I’m software developer with 25+ years of experience and I just spent 45 minutes chasing a - that should be a _. Don’t ever let anyone tell you these types of errors are not normal. ✌️
@janl I spent 6 hours step-debugging due to a failed test only to discover I had misread how a date library does comparisons 🥳
@janl I did that in circleci yaml because while aws-ecr/build_and_push_image was converted to underscores for everything, it was definitely a mistake to convert aws-ecs/update-service to underscores.
@janl I’ve a similar level of experience and this sort of thing happens with me roughly once a week!
@janl today i spent three hours figuring out why my change had no effect, only to discover i had forgotten to click the deploy button in the pipeline.
I spent three hours today searching for a reason why my variable isn't updating only to find out that my json serializer is configured to output pascal case and not camel case, so the variable was never written....
Yeah those dumb errors happen to everyone 😅