That all makes a ton of sense. I’m sympathetic to all of that and have not the slightest bit of disdain for any Jew who sees things differently than me, who drives BMWs or whatever.
To attempt to clarify: I have no resentment or disdain for the people who own them or work for those companies today. I think they have done nothing wrong.
It’s more about the brands and their histories.
Personally, knowing that Hitler personally founded VW makes it just impossible for me personally to own a VW. Just completely impossible.
I owned a Mini a few years ago and had no problem with that, even though the profits went to BMW, as a Mini is actually just a BMW with a different badge. In fact it’s the badge itself that’s the real problem for me. It’s literally the name and the logo.
See, people eventually die. And even if their descendents have the same surname, hell, that’s not their fault. Humans are not responsible for the actions of their ancestors.
Companies, however, are entities that have no specific lifespan. They have a persistent identity. The BMW that exists today is the same entity that used Jewish slave labor. And no matter how much they have disavowed their past, or apologized, or tried to make amends, that’s not enough for me.
For me, the only step that would suffice would be for them to change their names and their logos. To disavow their heritage. To state that their history and their brand is indelibly tainted with their past actions, and the only way to move forward with a clean slate is to dissasociate themselves from their prior incarnations.
I have no illusions; that’s not going to happen. I accept that. This is just how I personally think about it.
@josh0 got it. Makes sense.
IMO if we can cause used Tesla prices to crash, that would hurt Musk. It would make it harder for current Tesla owners to trade in a used Tesla for a new one, and it would make people less likely to buy a new Tesla due to the threat of depreciation and/or social stigma. Tesla also maintains an inventory of used cars at all times, and if those assets lose value, the company takes a loss. These things can all compound; Tesla’s inflated stock price is based on Musk’s ridiculous claims of 100% growth forever; a few quarters of low or no growth could crash the stock price. Which would be, IMO, a good thing.
@serge @josh0 Sure. In a nutshell it’s that I perceive that each of them was either closely associated with Hitler and/or used Jewish slaves.
I’m not an expert on this but that’s what it boils down to.
I’m always open to learning more and even learning that I was mistaken about something. Even this. But that’s my current understanding.
@josh0 I’ve been pondering your post for ~10 days now, unsure if I should reply.
FWIW, I’m a Jew who could never own a VW, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, or Porsche, because of their involvement in the Holocaust.
And I’ve just reached the same point with Tesla.
This is after owning 5 Teslas, and being a huge fan of the company since 2013. I own 2 Teslas right now and I’m selling both of them, even though I think the Model 3 is the best all-around vehicle for me currently on the US market.
At this point I personally cannot stomach being associated with Musk. He’s either a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer/supporter, or such a troll that he likes making people think that is he such. Regardless of what’s in his heart (if anything) he has associated himself with white supremacy and antisemitism and I need to dissasociate myself from him.
So this is very personal for me and it’s as much about how can I live with myself on a daily basis as it is about impacting Musk himself.
Telo has unveiled the pre-production test build of their electric mini truck!
I’m psyched. I love this thing.
The videos and articles published this week are super positive, which is encouraging!
It’d be amazing to have one of these in my driveway next to my Aptera.
GOP: States rights!
States: Okay, we want to protect immigrants.
GOP: No, not that.
States: Okay, we intend to allow abortion.
GOP: No, not that.
States: Okay, we would like to allow transgender athletes.
GOP: No, not that.
States: What about making decisions about cars in our cities?
GOP: Not, not that.
States: DEI?
GOP: Hell no.
States: I thought you cared about states' rights?
GOP: That was when Biden was president. Now we want a strong Federal government!
Apple added “Split View” to the iPad 9 years ago, and they were already selling keyboards for the iPad then. And yet still, 9 years later, the feature is fundamentally broken in terms of focus and keyboard events. WTAF.
On Friday, my uni, like many others, received a “Dear Colleague” letter from DoE acting assistant secretary Trainor. The letter threatens to withhold funding unless we demonstrate compliance with the administration’s anti-DEI program. It uses words like “depraved” and “shameful” and promises that the days of “overt and covert discrimination” are over. It also says that higher ed has engaged in “toxically indoctrinat[ing] students with the false premise of structural and systemic racism.”
And now for something COMPLETELY different:
Linux booting *inside* a PDF file. (Uses embedded JS to run a RISCV emulator and boot Linux to a command line prompt):
Just a reminder that well before Hitler was in charge, he had books banned with help from his supporters all throughout Germany. Specifically books on the sciences, and books by Jewish authors were targetted as being unfit for consumption.
Now. Fastforward to today.
Substitute Black for Jewish.
Do you get it yet?
@solar_chase A+ thread, would read again.
I hope the pregnancy proceeds smoothly!
“Technology is just gonna get better and better and better and better. And it’s gonna get easier and easier, and more and more convenient, and more and more pleasurable, to be alone with images on a screen given to us by people who do not love us but want our money. Which is all right. In low doses, right?
But if that’s the basic main staple of your diet, you’re gonna die. In a meaningful way, you’re going to die.”
— David Foster Wallace, 1996
Fuck, the yanks have gone and confirmed Brainworms Kennedy as their health secretary, just as H5N1 bird flu is taking hold in mammals and bird migration season is starting.
We're doooooooomed.
@nikitonsky oh and also — and I can’t believe I’m writing this — Slack’s “Lists” feature. It’s actually quite good.
@mfikes I’d be extremely interested (been using Clojure for 10+ years and Macs for 20+) but I’m based in the NYC area. Good luck with your search!
@nikitonsky Retcon and Orbstack (both for Mac)
Seeing amazing cars like this is one of the perks of working outside of the home (among others, for me) great post!
One good example I thought you might mention is Quicksilver. It was a keyboard-driven GUI for finding and manipulating text, files, clipboard contents, etc. It could sort of chain steps, IIRC. When it was in its heyday I found it unique, refreshing, powerful, and compelling.
@splendorr @octothorpe +1 it’s good
Seriously, Microsoft‽ 2.44 GB for an email + calendar app? That’s straight incompetence and malpractice.