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Profile image for Avi Flax ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ืื‘ื™ ืคืœืงืก

Avi Flax ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ ืื‘ื™ ืคืœืงืก

Feminist, futurist, father. XL biomachine, he/him. Modern Hebrew. Zionist. Aphantasiac. Black Lives Matter. Trans rights are human rights. Bicycling enthusiast. Space enthusiast. Earth enthusiast. Coffee. Speculative fiction! Technology! History! What the hell is this list, evenโ€ฝ

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Hey everyone!

My current gig might be wrapping up soon, so itโ€™s time for me to figure out whatโ€™s next.

If you or someone you know could use some help with software tools or systems โ€” architecture, implementation, deployment, operations, data pipelines, CD, DX, etc โ€”ย maybe get in touch? Iโ€™ve been doing this a while and Iโ€™m pretty flexible.

Iโ€™m open to short-term or long-term, part-time or full-time. Iโ€™m US-based (NYC area) and a US citizen.

General CV:

Energy-specific CV:

Thanks in advance!

What good is AI if you don't have a planet to use it on?

Microsoft released its 2024 Sustainability Report on Wednesday, and it's mostly bad news. Last year, Microsoft's emissions went up 29%, and it used 23% more water, primarily due to "new technologies, including generative AI."

The Great Lying Machine is eating our environment and spewing out toxic misinformation. Big Tech has become a clear and present danger to all our futures.

@simon if one wanted to maintain a mostly straightforward dataset in a GitHub repo, collaboratively with other people, potentially the public (i.e. โ€œcrowdsourcingโ€) โ€” would you suggest using CSV, JSON, or something else as the file format?

The behavior of business leaders with respect to is distressingly lemming-like.

Itโ€™s sad to see Google drink themselves to death on their own โ€œAIโ€ (๐Ÿคข) flavored Kool-Aid but letโ€™s be honest; theyโ€™ve been been headed in this direction for many years.

Hereโ€™s an idea for better cities: Make owners of big SUVs & pickups pay more to park.

That's what Montreal now does -- and it's the first North American city to try it.

In Bloomberg CityLab, I explored a groundbreaking way to fight back against car bloat.

ื—ื’ ืฉืžื—!

My ex had this rule, or sort of a philosophy I guess:

"Never feel bad about spending money on books."

And this made a lot of sense to me, at the time,

but this was before I actually realized

just how much money I am capable of spending on books

Ok, time for !

I've got like twenty years experience with Python and Linux, a long time open source contributor, I know too much about Docker and Containers, not enough about Kuberenetes. I've done a bunch of ops and ops-adjacent stuff.

I just finished setting up the infrastructure and CI/CD for a geographically-diverse seed-stage startup.

Only accepting remote positions comfortable with vaguely Eastern time.

Edited 77d ago

Just picked up tix for Furiosa in IMAX!

Software makers! If you sell a native app, *please* include documentation in the app itself, so itโ€™ll work offline!

Most native apps SHOULD work offline โ€” or to put it another way, all features that donโ€™t intrinsically and necessarily depend on Internet access should work offline โ€” and documentation is a feature!

TIL that CSS native variables (custom properties) are widely supported โ€” have been for ~7 years now!



I just spied (and heard) a beautiful 930 turbo in dark cherry with license plate OLD SPOOL.

Years ago, I went to Poland to see where the Powazeks came from. Dad and I took a tour of one of the camps where our family was killed. The tour guide asked us if we were Polish or Jewish. "Both," I said. "You can't be both," he said flatly. This was in the early 2000s.

This is how the Poles could kill us. Help the nazis send us to camps. Take our homes. We weren't part of "us."

Today: Republican Ron Johnson reminds us that Jews in America are also not "us."

Did you know that you can purchase an electric vehicle for as little as $1,000?

Not only that, these vehicles also:
- Can skip traffic jams
- Be parked virtually anywhere
- Get over 1,000 mpge
- Emits no harmful air pollution
- Don't require a government permit or expensive insurance
- Can easily be repaired by yourself, and don't require long waits at expensive dealerships
- Include optional exercise equipment, allowing you to choose to get exercise while in transit (if you want) and skip the gym membership
- Can be operated by people of almost any age, so your kids can now transport themselves

What is this vehicle I'm describing? Some sort of newfangled flying car? A quantum teleporter?

No: It is the humble electric bicycle.

Spread the word.

โ€œWeโ€™ve reviewed your application for theโ€ฆ role, but after careful consideration, we've decided not to move forward at this time.โ€

Give me an actual reason, you cowards!

Adorable lesbian comic drama manga. Light, fun, sweet, silly, sexy, touching.

Cheerful Amnesia Vol 1 by Tamamushi Oku

Really intense and captivating short sci-fi novel. Great writing!

computering, griping

Me, an idiot: โ€œSo, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, weโ€™re doing our part to make the world more sustainableโ€

VCs, very smart: โ€œWe just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the worldโ€™s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.โ€

Trump getting a SCOTUS hearing on whether or not heโ€™s an annointed king when he also personally hand-picked 1/3 of the very justices ruling on it in the same week where Harvey Weinsteinโ€™s judgement gets appealed despite dozens of victims makes it so clear that ultra-rich white men can do anything, anywhere and with enough resources they will never face consequences for anything no matter how disgustingly they lead their lives and itโ€™s fucking horrible and depressing to see this shit play out.

Edited 91d ago

Found this handy blog post: Syncing Fastmail with Calendly by Stuart Knightley

Am I the only one who buys a Calendly plan every time I ramp up a job search?

I often hear from people discouraged about the slow pace of climate action. โ€œWeโ€™ve tried so hard to tackle climate change and nothing changed,โ€ they say. โ€œWhy even bother anymore?โ€

While it may feel subtle or almost imperceptible at times, a lot has changed over the last decade. Just 10 years ago, 0.7% of cars sold around the world were electric vehicles. Today, 20% are. Before the Paris Agreement, the world was forecast to warm by up to 5 degrees C (9F). Now, as this article explains, that number has been dialed back to 2.7 degrees thanks to already enacted government policies around the world.

Of course we need to do more: the science is clear that every tenth of a degree of warming we avoid will prevent a measurable amount of loss and suffering. But a shift is underway, and if we donโ€™t talk aboutย what has been accomplished as well as what still remains to be done, we are disempowering and discouraging people from taking action.

Read on for more good news, not so good news, and how you can help reach a target of 25,000 climate conversations this month!

offf, this story about how Google made google search into a pile of seagull shit hits me hard:

Around the time of this story, I was living through a similar situation in my work life (on a much smaller scope, of course, first, Tumblr later).

Back in 2019, working on WordPress, I started finding myself, almost weekly, arguing against people who wanted to take the product we were working at and made it worse if that mean they could squeeze 0.1% more revenue from it

The 0.1% figure is not even a random number: I remember this speciffic A/B test on that was declared a success and shipped to 100% of the users because it increased the free-to-paid conversion by 0.1%. Soon after it was released, I found out that as a side effect, it increased the churn of free users by 20 something %,so I called for an urgent rollback and removal of the change. So I was promptly explained that we didn't care about free-users churn, because finance had calculated the average long-term value of the free users to be something like $2 per year, and the increase in conversion was bigger than what we could get from them.

Everything became about growth hacking. Everything became thinly-veiled dark patterns. In our private dev slack channels, we joked that since it was impossible to make it smaller or less conspicuous, the next thing the growth team was going to ask us to do was to make the 'free plan' button flee away from the mouse pointer when the user tried to click it. We kept making our product worse, we kept consciously crippling the cheaper versions so we could force people to move to the more expensive options.

Back then I was the lead of one of the two dev divisions working on, so my job was mainly to discuss what we were going to be doing, when and how. And I was getting drained by a constant state of fight against a constant wave of shit they wanted us to build. So much than by the end of 2020, the CEO quietly told me to follow the growth team plans and shut up or step down.

So I requested to move to tumblr, because I thought the pastures were greener over there. But it was all the same: Adding login walls to what we were pretending to be "the last bastion of the free internet", cramping in embarrasingly obvious money-making schemes disguised as features, and making them silently opt-out instead of opt-in so the less people the possible would deactivate them, having to fend off the pressure from the CEO to make everything algorithmic timelines because, you know, tiktok makes a lot of money and why aren't we, etc etc.

I found myself in a place where building something good that people enjoy using was no longer a priority, but tricking people into generating more money for the company was. And when I looked around me, I could see that happening everywhere else, not only in my company. Experiencing the start of the enshittification years from inside wasn't easy.

And, as in the article, the people who decided to turn the shit-metter up to 200%, have a name, in every case. And these people, no matter if they are called Sundar and Prabhakar or Matt and Mark, are destroying the internet. These people are milllionaires, or billionaries, and are destroying our shared, common spaces to squeeze some extra cash from us.

That's why the fediverse and its principles are important. Because that's how we take back internet from their dirty hands. That's how we make internet resilient against them. That's how we build the commons.

@marcprecipice thanks for posting about Toggle awhile back! Iโ€™ve been using it since then and itโ€™s been a real upgrade for me.

The Unicode Consortium has approved these emoji for use in chat during video calls:

๐Ÿ™‰ - I can't hear you
๐Ÿ™ˆ - I can't see you
๐Ÿ™Š - You're muted