What’s the last piece of software you were genuinely excited about? Well built, fast, pretty to look at, no enshittification?
@nikitonsky Reaper. "pretty to look at" in a late 90s kind of way https://www.reaper.fm/
@nikitonsky does a game count? If so, Stellar Blade. Otherwise: nothing comes to mind, which is sad.
@nikitonsky I am still pleased with Affinity Designer.
@nikitonsky Started using https://tot.rocks a few months ago and realized I'm using it every day, all the time and it just stays out of the way.
Another one would be CleanShot X. I'd have hard time using my computer without it.
@nikitonsky ghostty
@nikitonsky Dunno if that counts but i loved how simple https://github.com/LGUG2Z/komorebi/ by @LGUG2Z was, when i was on Windows. I was suprised how well it worked, while i was expecting some major issues - because Windows does Windows things - it was just super easy to set up, configure, integrate and use.
That got me really hyped!
@nikitonsky The Crouton recipe app. Bonus points for *clever* use of AI to extract structured recipes from photos and websites. Or tracking eye movement to flip through the steps hands-free.
@nikitonsky Finnish grammar practice tool https://taivuta.fi/
@nikitonsky Halide camera app and Kino video app for iOS by Lux. Don’t look like much initially (apart from being well-designed, obviously 😉), but you appreciate the little details more and more the more you use them.
@nikitonsky Maccy clipboard manager
@nikitonsky Ghostty is most recent addition.
Prior to that Scnvim.
It feels like it was built for exactly my brain, the program is feature packed but the UI is extremely precise, it just does everything I could hope a screenshot taking/management program could do, and while using minimal resources at that.
Except run on Linux, but that's not something I hold against them.
@nikitonsky Reaper DAW -- fast, reliable and extensible. Also, the two (!) developers don't seem to be primarily motivated by profit. I wouldn't call the UI "pretty", but I like it a lot.
@nikitonsky I recently moved my music situation over to Plex (which has room for improvement but is pretty good) and was pleasantly surprised by the Plexamp app. I really dig it.
As far as "genuinely excited" I feel like part of the problem is that I've become too jaded over the years and I've been making efforts to get better at embracing joy.
@nikitonsky Davinci Resolve. No enshittification yet, let's see how long it lasts
@nikitonsky DEVONthink. Both on macOS and on iOS. Nothing fancy in terms of UI but it works great. If you want to see the care read release notes.
@nikitonsky Obsidian. I just wish it had a better outliner mode/plugin
@nikitonsky No mans sky. Nine years old game, but still gets updates (which are DLC basically) for free and the last few were just awesome.
:chefs kiss:
@nikitonsky I've been really happy with Fork for git recently: https://git-fork.com/
As an honourable mention I've also enjoyed using Obsidian a lot, but it doesn't check all the boxes - it works well for me, because as an electron app with a big extension system it's essentially a sandbox where I can do whatever I want, and I enjoy the tinkering, but there's some room for improvement in the "fast" department, and it's not a universally great experience out of the box - it requires the right plugins for that
@nikitonsky I really appreciate Umbrel. It’s an OS and I use it on my Home Server.
@nikitonsky uv
@nikitonsky #kde plasma 6 when it was released a year ago ❤️
@nikitonsky i did three interviews with https://excalidraw.com/ over the past week.
i love it every time i open it. open source, no login, it just works, the software is more-or-less "done". so great.
@nikitonsky vim
@nikitonsky Ghostty!
@nikitonsky https://duckdb.org/ - Recently had to extract and transform some data from Excel files. Was able to do everything with about 15 lines of SQL using just DuckDB.
@nikitonsky Panic by Nova (https://nova.app). Neatest little text editor on the Mac rn.
@nikitonsky last one was https://zed.dev/. The project is still pretty young so we'll see if gets enshittified, but so far I am pretty happy with it.
@nikitonsky cinny.in, the matrix client
@nikitonsky meetingbar, for the best possible interface for the calls -- it can join them automatically when the time comes. No interface is the best interface. It's so good I can't believe I haven't seen it anywhere else.
@nikitonsky Retcon and Orbstack (both for Mac)
@nikitonsky The German COVID-19 tracking/warning mobile app…
@nikitonsky you won’t believe but it is MS Visual Studio 2022. Does the job, predictable, fast enough, looks good, follows traditions since 2005, finally x64
@nikitonsky bear.app, things3
@nikitonsky https://getwhisky.app/ I’m even building my own app around it (which may or may not be a terrible idea.)
@nikitonsky Spread32, Excel-compatible spreadsheet app https://www.byedesign.co.uk the most exciting piece of software I occasionally use
@nikitonsky oh and also — and I can’t believe I’m writing this — Slack’s “Lists” feature. It’s actually quite good.
@OmegaPolice what’s that?
@nikitonsky https://github.com/astral-sh/uv -- I don't Python often, but when I do, this is now what I want to use.
@nikitonsky Close runner-up is https://github.com/jdx/mise -- more excitement and more frequent use on my part, but discovered less recently.
I realize that you were probably not asking about CLI apps ("pretty to look at") but nevertheless, those are my answers. In the age of broken web and shitty app-store garbage, OSS CLI apps are my safe space.
@OmegaPolice Nice! I’ve heard good things about both of those, maybe will try them in the future