🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/L8HRSpnjtQc Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/31cfb509 Sean and I talk about finally solving the mystery of Jack the Ripper’s identity, and other things that make no sense in Star Trek: The Original Series, “Wolf in the Fold.”
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/oKTuih3wZl4 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/0528e4d8 Sean and I talk about when a sense of duty becomes self-sacrifice in Star Trek: The Original Series. Is there a way to release guilt and anger without hurting those around you?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/4F5XDftceW8 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/35106828 Sean and I talk about going the extra mile for your best friend in Star Trek: The Original Series. What’s a little “to the death” fight between friends?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/Zyb4rnDCC2Y Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/1098436a Sean and I talk about abandoning the past in Star Trek: The Original Series. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy stand up to the gods in this one, but does this episode still stand up to today?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/uQn6njrh_pE Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/ee37f733 Sean and I talk about the new Paramount Plus… (cough)... film: SECTION 31. Is this really Star Trek?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time is out: https://youtu.be/UKRSewDAfeA Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/65c13d50 Sean and I talk about knowing when to push! At least when it comes to Star Trek: The Original Series. Dr McCoy’s bed side manner needs a little work, but that aside … does this episode still hold up to today?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/qgFJ4iwgv0g Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/6e9fe3ac Sean and I talk about loving the alien in Star Trek: The Original Series. Who knew that was a female gas cloud? Clearly, Spock and Kirk do, but did you?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/eBC3mnaTL_Y Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/4c3cde25 Sean and I talk about another omnipotent being who can’t help but play games with the Star Trek: The Original Series crew. This is another Kirk making the ladies swoon. Does this trope work or does it need to stop?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans… new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/tfEcuzUxQQQ Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/928ceab0 We talk about wrestling with big ideas on Saturday mornings in Star Trek: The Animated Series. Are Kirk and Spock as animated as they are in The Original Series?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/H7JafIqUxzw Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/5ffa42d7 Sean and I talk about making history personal in this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. This is one of the most famous and beloved episodes of the original series, but does it hold up?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/79NviDpATTw Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/89ab347e Sean and I talk about avoiding avoiding war at all costs from this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. As “Star Trek” as this episode is, does it stand up to the test of time?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/fYBqrI1vB7E Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/58218491 Sean and I talk about wanting to rock! … on this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. Who doesn’t want to see Spock mind melding with a sentient rock?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/TNrv5ta13o4 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/65988019 Sean and I talk about underestimating the traumas of the past from Star Trek: The Original Series. Is this drug trip of an episode worth the watch?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/M7SAd2WioAc Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/d5ca0e98 We talk about planting seeds that will bear fruit DECADES later in Star Trek: The Original Series. Captain Kirk and Khan meet for the first time. Does this major sci-fi rivalry hold up?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/iXE3-4rPCdQ Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/3551c338 Sean and I talk about backless outfits and nuclear disasters in Star Trek: The Original Series. Warfare by computer? Are we living in the Matrix?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/wjcifyuVHZM Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/808f65db Sean and I talk about purges, pod-people, and Landru from this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. Who doesn’t like a good purge?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/Rklhx53qO2k Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/b11224ad Sean and I talk about time travel shenanigans on Star Trek: The Original Series. This time travel plot is something we’ve seen before, but is it still charming enough to work?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/aa_jfx_oBm4 Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/8c083860 Sean and I talk about special effects and ham in Star Trek: The Original Series. This doppelgänger episode is bad, but is it so doubly bad it’s doubly good?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/5gqmmSdHnjw Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/bade9d51 We talk about a brand new threat on Star Trek: TOS! That we’ve seen before. Do the new Star Trek show’s retcons break the enjoyment of this episode?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/qo2ToVfCiXY Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/91da96f4 Sean and I talk about petulant space babies in Star Trek: The Original Series. Is this just a Q episode before there were Q?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time is out: https://youtu.be/Y7KRwWH5I4g Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/cea402d7 We talk about yelling action while still hitting the keyboard in Star Trek: TOS. This episode is a tough one to watch, but are there any redeeming qualities to it?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/lsIK83tsmh4 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/892496a5 Sean and I talk about the repurposing of the original Star Trek: The Original Series pilot, putting Spock in the spotlight, and testing Kirk’s patience. Does recycling old content work for Star Trek?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/hRYi_5QOlRY Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/a53d0726 Sean and I talk about … space… madness in Star Trek: The Original Series. From courtroom drama to a crazy man committing sabotage, this one has it all. BUT … does it hold up?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/4kiWFIygdu8 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/5fe2dac5 Sean and I talk about Spock’s “first” command, sacrifices, and feelings in Star Trek: The Original Series. Is this episode good or is it nostalgia speaking?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/1Rs2WMBpQCA Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/55eee718 Sean and I talk about rehabilitation, ethics, and classic monster movie tactics in Star Trek: The Original Series. Does the plot of “Outbreak” work well in the world of Star Trek?