🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/L8HRSpnjtQc Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/31cfb509 Sean and I talk about finally solving the mystery of Jack the Ripper’s identity, and other things that make no sense in Star Trek: The Original Series, “Wolf in the Fold.”
Question: given I don't use Google Search, I don't use any AI feature in anything I don't believe that Mozilla has any implicit licence for my input.
Mozilla has no implicit licence or otherwise when entering data into any 3rd party's application using a browser in a complete parallel to an Editor application on the Desktop not needing a licence to edit a user's files.
So I guess I need a robust fork, Brave does not attract me for other reasons. What is a reasonable alternative?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time is out: https://youtu.be/UKRSewDAfeA Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/65c13d50 Sean and I talk about knowing when to push! At least when it comes to Star Trek: The Original Series. Dr McCoy’s bed side manner needs a little work, but that aside … does this episode still hold up to today?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/qgFJ4iwgv0g Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/6e9fe3ac Sean and I talk about loving the alien in Star Trek: The Original Series. Who knew that was a female gas cloud? Clearly, Spock and Kirk do, but did you?
new Star Trek:TOS bot is now online at @trekkies if you wish to see more auto-generated silliness IN SPACE on your timeline
#StarTrek #TOS #Kirk #Spock #McCoy #ThoseOldScientists #Trekkies #Trek
I am always surprised that the shots of the Enterprise in space seem so hi-def. I was expecting something fuzzier from the 1960s. #LetThatBeYourLastBattlefield #TOS #StarTrek #StarTrekTOS
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/H7JafIqUxzw Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/5ffa42d7 Sean and I talk about making history personal in this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. This is one of the most famous and beloved episodes of the original series, but does it hold up?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/fYBqrI1vB7E Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/58218491 Sean and I talk about wanting to rock! … on this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. Who doesn’t want to see Spock mind melding with a sentient rock?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/TNrv5ta13o4 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/65988019 Sean and I talk about underestimating the traumas of the past from Star Trek: The Original Series. Is this drug trip of an episode worth the watch?
No don’t take off your protective gear, rub every surface, and then touch your face!
Humanity never learns!
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/M7SAd2WioAc Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/d5ca0e98 We talk about planting seeds that will bear fruit DECADES later in Star Trek: The Original Series. Captain Kirk and Khan meet for the first time. Does this major sci-fi rivalry hold up?
Finally, the video I've wanted to make for a while, now driven by sheer hatred of companies stealing peoples' work with a simple change to their Terms of Service. Made on VRChat. Please share with your artist friends; this is for them.
Twitter/X Will Soon STEAL Your Work - Mastodon: Zero to Hero
#video #mastodon #ToS #twitter #guide #birdsite #tutorial #watch #youtube #VRChat #theft #art
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/iXE3-4rPCdQ Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/3551c338 Sean and I talk about backless outfits and nuclear disasters in Star Trek: The Original Series. Warfare by computer? Are we living in the Matrix?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/wjcifyuVHZM Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/808f65db Sean and I talk about purges, pod-people, and Landru from this episode of Star Trek: The Original Series. Who doesn’t like a good purge?
The Montgomery Scott Starter Pack:
1. Ray Generator
2. Magnatomic Scope
3. Magnetic Polarity Tool
4. Engineering Tricorder
5. 2245 Speyside Whisky
6. Funeral Pipes
#LEGO #StarTrek #LegoStarTrek
#StarTrekLego #TOS #Scotty
#MOC #AFOL #Minifig #Minifigs
#Minifigure #Minifigures
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/Rklhx53qO2k Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/b11224ad Sean and I talk about time travel shenanigans on Star Trek: The Original Series. This time travel plot is something we’ve seen before, but is it still charming enough to work?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/aa_jfx_oBm4 Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/8c083860 Sean and I talk about special effects and ham in Star Trek: The Original Series. This doppelgänger episode is bad, but is it so doubly bad it’s doubly good?
I like the TOS episode Court Martial, but the “almost nobody could fake that video” plot point doesn’t hold up in the age of AI.
#startrek #allstartrek #tos #CourtMartial
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time episode is out: https://youtu.be/5gqmmSdHnjw Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/bade9d51 We talk about a brand new threat on Star Trek: TOS! That we’ve seen before. Do the new Star Trek show’s retcons break the enjoyment of this episode?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out on my other channel: https://youtu.be/qo2ToVfCiXY Audio version: https://share.transistor.fm/s/91da96f4 Sean and I talk about petulant space babies in Star Trek: The Original Series. Is this just a Q episode before there were Q?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time is out: https://youtu.be/Y7KRwWH5I4g Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/cea402d7 We talk about yelling action while still hitting the keyboard in Star Trek: TOS. This episode is a tough one to watch, but are there any redeeming qualities to it?
🖖Calling all Star Trek fans … new Trek in Time video episode is out: https://youtu.be/lsIK83tsmh4 Audio: https://share.transistor.fm/s/892496a5 Sean and I talk about the repurposing of the original Star Trek: The Original Series pilot, putting Spock in the spotlight, and testing Kirk’s patience. Does recycling old content work for Star Trek?