Every day, Sophie O’Neill stitches a single symbol or word that she chooses to represent her day.
Every day, Sophie O’Neill stitches a single symbol or word that she chooses to represent her day.
Today's experiment..
Messed up a couple of notes in this improvisation. Trying out a new plectrum too. Weird how excited I was for these plectrums. (sounds #thread)
Signal chain:
Epiphone SG, Red Panda Particles v1
Orange Micro Terror Dark, Croc-Zilla cabinet (Hempback and Ruby speakers)
Sennheiser e906 (just on the Hempback)
Gear4Music 4way loom
Zoom H6
Audacity noise reduction, normalisation, conv to mp3
#guitar #music #musictech #experimental #improvisation #DIY #DIYmusic #homerecording
Woot! The #Teardown2024 schedule is out!
I'll be giving my workshop on #Making #IoT devices on #ESP32 with #Matter and #Thread from 4pm-6pm on Friday, June 21st. There will only be 20 seats, so get your space reserved if you're want to get started with making IoT devices that will work with any #smarthome ecosystem.
Someone just sent me a list of principles for good decision making and I turned them into a #thread for your reference 🙂
I Investigated #zombie processes on my home #linux server today. Here a #thread
It started by: "why the server is slow today?" after I ssh into it and do a `ls`
I looked at the last 7 days of the #NodeExporter dashboard in #grafana but found nothing. Well in fact there is a small memory leak (+1% per day) but I didn't notice it at first sight.
Arrêt sur images de l'émission d'Arrêt sur Images, "Peuple, populaire, populisme" volet 1.
#Thread La publicité est-elle soluble dans la démocratie directe ?
Je me suis dit un jour que je ferai un #thread sur le rapport #meadows, alors voilà, c'est maintenant.
WARNING : je l'ai lu il y déjà un bon bout de temps, les infos qui viennent auront peut-être perdu un peu en précision, mais vous aurez l'idée, et les pointeurs.
Bien avant le rapport #meadows, il faut parler du #ClubOfRome créé en 1965 par des capitaines d'industrie dont le PDG d'une boîte que les moins de 30 ans ne connaissent pas, Olivetti.
Cette boîte faisait des calculettes,...1/X
JUST IN: You can now spread your #threads over time. 🧵🧵🧵
Don't want to spam your timeline with a #thread all at once? We pioneered 'spreadable' threads that post each next post over a period of time, and it boosted our #impressions in the past over 2000%!
#growthhacks #contenttip #socialmediatips #schedulingtips #growthhack
In this new #JWST NIRCam image of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A), we see the remains of a star that first imploded and then exploded about 340 years ago (from our point of view), leaving behind a tangle of gas, dust, and magnetic fields.
A #thread with some details of what we are seeing in the image.
Read more: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/news-releases/2023/news-2023-149
The most frequently asked question that I get about #JWST images is: "Why do the stars look like that?". In other words: why are the stars "spikey"?
The answer has to do with both the wave nature of light, the shape of the telescope's primary mirror, and the position of the struts that hold up the secondary mirror.
The full infographic on JWST diffraction spikes can be downloaded here: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/media/images/01G529MX46J7AFK61GAMSHKSSN
This #thread is for #blackmastodon, #MLB, and #baseball at large:
You may have heard that a while back, in a long-overdue move, big-league baseball ruled that all official Black Leagues stats were now recognized as MLB statistics.
As a (white) fan of the great players of the Black Leagues, I was excited by this move ... but I felt it was just the beginning.
Faktoren für hochperformante zufriedene Teams und Organisationen.
26 Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahrzehnte.
Summary: Es läuft auf #anarchistische #Organisation, #Minderheitenschutz, #Nachhaltigkeit, internationale #Solidarität, no #Bullshitjobs und #NazisRaus hinaus.
1. Fokus auf ein gemeinsames Ziel, das für alle Wert hat und die Welt zu einer besseren macht.
2. Dezentrale Autonomie und Selbstorganisation.
3. End-to-end, crossfunktional und divers.
#Team #anarchism
🧵 #thread 1/x
Dado mi enganche reciente a la serie de #Miércoles en Netflix y a que hace eones que no me monto un hilo de algo interesante, voy a proceder a dar un breve repaso a #LaFamiliaAddams en sus distintas encarnaciones audiovisuales.
PD: Como siempre, es posible que se me cuele algún gazapo. No dudéis en señalarlos.
Do you want to know how to make #stunning #astronomy #picture of the #night #sky without having a large #telescope ?
So just follow this #thread about #StarTrail or #StarCircle and you shall be able to produce #photography like those attached.
All the #images I will show in this thread are mine and available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0). Credits are available in the description.
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#ADHD #AltText #Audiobooks #Bandle #Boating #Boost #Cats #Computers #Content #DJ #Engagement #Exploring #FruitTrees #Fungi #Gardening #Halifax #Hashtags #Heardle #Hiking #HobbyGardening
https://mstdn.ca/@Rasta/110230589278631546 ◄ Longer #Thread
#Islands #Languages #Learning #LOL #Mastodon #Military #Mushrooms #Music #Nature #Navy #News #NovaScotia #NowPlaying #NSR #Ocean #Photography #RCN #Seeds #Sunrise #Sunset #TeamHeardle #Tech #Travel #TravelBlogs #Trees #Turtles #Veterans #WAYCTV
#2022 was a lot to process, friends. There’s a reason for that.
We are experiencing a full-spectrum cognitive #warfare assault designed to subvert #democracy through fear, trauma, intimidation, coercion and #brainwashing — in order to create the conditions for #authoritarianism and, ultimately, #genocide.
This is equally true for Americans today as it was of Germans in Weimar, 1930.
I got nuked almost a year ago from #Twitter because I was exposing Mike #Flynn and his plan to destroy American #democracy.
One of the tweets that made Flynn very mad was my discovery that he intentionally led a #Christian church in a theosophical #occult #prayer by #fascist cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
So, I’m sure he will be very upset by this toot. 🎉
#ArrestMikeFlynn #SatanGate👹
In their book “The Dawn of Everything,” David Graeber and David Wengrow provide multiple accounts by early European settler colonists of the indigenous societies they encountered in the woodlands of northeastern North America.
Over and over, these Europeans noted that these societies were well and truly stateless, lacking rulers, laws, courts, police, prisons, or anything like what they were used to in Europe.
They quote one Jesuit, writing in 1644 about the Wendat:
“I do not believe that there is any people on earth freer than they, and less able to allow the subjection of their wills to any power whatever – so much so that Fathers here have no control over their children, or Captains over their subjects, or the Laws of the country over any of them, except in so far as each is pleased to submit to them. There is no punishment which is inflicted on the guilty, and no criminal who is not sure that his life and property are in no danger…”
1/ #thread
Darf man die CSU/FW Landesregierung in München eine #Naziregierung nennen, oder soll man besser nicht?
Als Abschluss für meinen #Aiwanger-Grind mein Standpunkt in diesem #Thread 🧵