SFPL is hiring a main library manager
SFPL is hiring a main library manager
Stop AI is organizing a protest at OpenAI's headquarters in #SanFrancisco tomorrow afternoon. More info at https://www.stopai.info/protest
I recently set up a studio where I capture printed maps into digital, so now I can expand the scope of the #Petrofuture series—66m sea rise w/vintage gas station maps
This is one of the first from the studio.
More: https://conspiracyofcartographers.com/
#MarinCounty #climatechange #maps #clifi #climateArt #cartography #bayArea #SanFrancisco
A really informative answer to why SF restaurants close super early: it all comes down to cost of living and transit (and service workers not being able to get home due to lack of housing density)
In addition to event announcements on our blog and Instagram/Facebook, we're adding rsvps and announcing our events on Eventbrite. Follow us at https://doubleunionsf.eventbrite.com/
#SanFrancisco #DoubleUnion #intersectional #women #nonbinary #makerspace #events
Study: People Protected #BikeLanes Made a Difference
A new study by an NYU researcher shows that a type of protest invented in #SanFrancisco has helped get protected #bike #lanes constructed in #NorthAmerica and beyond
A thread of shared bathroom access codes in SF
In today's post on @medium, I share photos I've taken over the years of outgoing #SanFrancisco Mayor #LondonBreed. All images are freely available on #Wikimedia Commons (@wikipedia).
Click the link, not the image preview, to bypass the paywall:
On New Year’s Eve, we walk up a big hill then down to the ocean to watch the sunset. In my latest blog post, I share many photos and some thoughts from this year’s walk.
The New Year's Eve walk
I spoke with outgoing SFMTA head Jeffrey Tumlin about robotaxis' impact on San Francisco – and the threat they pose to multimodal cities worldwide.
Tumlin: “I am very worried that so much of the joy of the remaining walkable cities in the world could be at risk from self-driving cars.”
♬️ AN EVENING WITH BLACK FLAG at DNA Lounge tonight: Sun Jan 5, 8pm!
#dnalounge #aneveningwithblackflag #blackflag #hardcore #punk #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
Double Union is a 100% volunteer-run #nonprofit #makerspace for women and non-binary people. While about 60% of our operating costs are covered by sliding scale member dues, we need still donations to cover the remaining 40%. #Donations help keep this space accessible to the widest range of members:
Read more on our blog about what we've accomplished since moving to our new location in the Mission district in #SanFrancisco, a financial transparency report about our operating costs, and our plans for 2025:
2024 is almost over, and our end-of-year #fundraiser is still in progress. To keep our #nonprofit #makerspace as accessible as possible, we need donations to cover about 40% of our operating costs. #Donate at https://doubleunion.org/support/.
#SanFrancisco #DoubleUnion #intersectional #workshop #women #nonbinary
happy holidays from the garden birds.
#SanFrancisco #Bicycle buddies, I am enlisting your help in the search for my stolen bike. Yes, this is a longshot, but so was finding a bike I really liked. Its street value is basically nil, so hoping someone will spot it in the wild: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/bik/d/san-francisco-reward-bianchi-boardwalk/7808070174.html #BikeTooter
*Now with updated link
200 days of programming in Union Square
I live less than a mile from Union Square and you could not pay me to go hang out there. It's just the most boring and least fun part of the city. I don't think inorganic 'space activation' will help. There's just no 'culture' there beyond... corporate stuff. Very little good food or cafes. I don't know why they want to revitalize it so badly (I know why, commercial real estate)
The Ongoing Saga of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Bike Lane
The fate of the 10-foot wide, barrier-separated bike and pedestrian path on the upper deck of the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge remains uncertain, as both advocates and critics of the lane eagerly await a decision...Letters to Marin County’s Board of Supervisors were overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the bike lane open 24/7 as a crucial part of the San Francisco Bay Trail"
It's peak Turrell skyspace viewing season
My latest blog post is an art PSA for people in the San Franciso area. You might think "peak season" is for picking apples and leaf-peeping, but it also applies to art installations. Go see The Three Gems at sunset in the next two weeks.
#blog #SFBA #SanFrancisco #JamesTurrel #SiteSpecificArt #TurrelSkyspace
What happens when a mall dies? In my latest newsletter, I visit two of San Francisco's moribund shopping spaces -- the former Twitter building, and the former Westfield mall. What I find is very liminal. https://buttondown.com/thehypothesis/archive/inside-the-dying-malls-of-san-francisco/ #sanfrancisco #urbanism
You don't need to be a futurism savant to notice the connection and extrapolate a certain kind of future from these 2 sentences:
'Thursday afternoon in #SanFrancisco: On one side of Mission Street, hotel workers chanted and banged on a drum outside the Marriott Marquis, part of a monthslong strike for higher wages and more #jobs. On the other, a tech company’s billboard proclaimed, “Stop #hiring humans.”'
bad news: only 24% of san francisco residents are up-to-date on their covid vaccines :(
good news: this is a fantastic time to get your covid & flu vaccines! the winter waves have barely started so you'll have peak protection when you need it most.
i got my vaccines at this site, and i recommend it whether or not you have insurance. they bill insured people (no cost to you) in order to provide free vaccines for uninsured people.
EARTHQUAKE (pretty light swaying but for ten seconds where I am)
** Tsunami warning has now been canceled: https://www.tsunami.gov/events/PAAQ/2024/12/05/so1aq0/3/WEAK51/WEAK51.txt **
It's the latest alert: "AK/BC/US West Coast Warn/Adv./Watch #3"
Maps & more info for the #BayArea #Tsunami #TsunamiWarning :
- https://www.sf72.org
- https://tsunami.gov
ALERTCalifornia have turned a camera toward the Humboldt coast: https://cameras.alertcalifornia.org/?pos=40.7296_-123.9697_10&id=Axis-Kneeland
* Edit for posterity - This map is probs better for Oakland: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/3c806ac0a38748649ec4e1bac09cd901
San Francisco's vote on closing the Great Highway was a battle between urban and suburban SF. Who won? Everybody!
"The successful measure to turn the Great Highway into Ocean Beach Park, is the latest version of the Embarcadero Freeway. Is it an essential roadway, as its defenders say? Or is it an opportunity to revitalize our western waterfront as we work to fight climate change?"
A California winter evening on California Street