👉 https://www.weeklyosm.eu/archives/17771 👈
Issue 763 of #weeklyOSM is out. 🌏
涵蓋 #開放街圖 #osm 世界大小事的新一期 weeklyOSM 已經發佈 🚀
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OSM has been accepted as a mentoring organization for this year’s #GoogleSummerOfCode, a global program that offers students and new open source developers stipends to write code for open source software projects.
If you’re interested in participating, visit our wiki page with guidance on what we like to see in applications.
wiki: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2025
discuss on forum: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/openstreetmap-is-participating-in-google-summer-of-code-2025/126554
Visto che non l'ho mai fatta, mi sembra il momento giusto per la mia #IntroSegreta.
Sono Manuel, educatore professionale in quel della bassa bergamasca. Nel tempo libero mi piace videogiocare, suonare (male) la chitarra, leggere e modificare #Wikipedia e #OpenStreetMap. Nell'ultimo anno ho iniziato a giocare (male) a #scacchi. Ho anche un piccolo blog (https://mannivu.wordpress.com) dove scrivo cose di poco conto.
El martes 25 de febrero (en una semana) doy una charla en la facultad de ciencias de la #ugr sobre #openstreetmap!!! Si estáis en modo #desgooglizacion (o #degoogle), os enseñaré cómo dejar #googlemaps por un mapa que pertenece a sus usuarios. Si no, ¡pues venid también! ¡El #SoftwareLibre abre las puertas a todo el mundo!
Si sois de #Granada venid y charlamos en persona. Nos lo vamos a pasar genial ❤️❤️❤️
Entrada libre. Más info: https://sl.ugr.es/osm2502
👉 https://www.weeklyosm.eu/archives/17750 👈
Issue 761 of #weeklyOSM is out. 🌏
涵蓋 #開放街圖 #osm 世界大小事的新一期 weeklyOSM 已經發佈 🚀
Lisez les dernières nouvelles de l'univers #openstreetmap 🗺️
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Тижневик OSM тепер доступний Українською 📲
Google Maps just dropped a new feature using AI to add crossings. It's an imperfect step in the right direction.
The #OpenStreetMap community knows mapping these features with AI is a challenge. We do a fantastic job with this working by hand! If you prefer the image on the right to the image on the left, consider helping us!
First time? Check out: https://openstreetmap.us/get-involved/
Do you love open data standards? Check out: https://openstreetmap.us/news/2024/02/pedestrian-working-group/
I've joined @cnrs as a GIS Engineer at CEREGE (Environmental geosciences research and teaching centre) in Aix-en-Provence, France where I'll be working on remote sensing, but with a focus on very high-resolution acquisition (by photogrammetry and LiDAR) So back in the field !
Very interested too in #OpenData, #OpenStreetMap and #PublicHealth Research since a previous job at @ird_fr
Love hiking, trekking and doing via ferrata 🧗
Reposting this chart I made comparing city size (population) to BNA scores from PeopleForBikes. It’s a reminder that bigger cities don’t necessarily have better biking infrastructure. Quantifying bike network quality is tricky, but I think this shows how much variation exists. Thought it was worth sharing again for those interested in urbanism, cycling, GIS, and OSM.
Hmmm, looks like my old #introduction was a bit out of date.
I'm Davie Dean. I'm proudly #trans, #nonbinary and #bigender. On here my pronouns are she/her, but I also enjoy being David and he/him a lot of time time elsewhere.
In non #gender stuff, I'm a #geospatial data enthusiast with a passion for #OpenStreetMap and a #greens volunteer. These days I'm getting deep into #geospatial #datascience and #datavisualization, particular in the area of #bushfire danger.
Proudly based on #Turrbal and #Yuggera lands in #Meanjin #Brisbane, #Queensland.
👉 https://www.weeklyosm.eu/archives/17731 👈
Issue 759 of #weeklyOSM is out. 🌏
涵蓋 #開放街圖 #osm 世界大小事的新一期 weeklyOSM 已經發佈 🚀
Lisez les dernières nouvelles de l'univers #openstreetmap 🗺️
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Тижневик OSM тепер доступний Українською 📲
OpenStreetMap no se vende.
👋🤓 Tschüss Mastodon!
🚨 Ich ZIEHE heute UM mit diesem Account nach #Sharkey 🦈 zu plasmatrap.com mit 👉 @caos
Dort geht es dann auch u.a. um 🎸 #Musik (#Punk #Rock #Metal #Indie #Darkwave) + #Köln #Wuppertal 🚟 #NRW + #Sport #Tischtennis 🏓 + #Verkehrswende #ÖPNV 🚋
Weiter gibt es caos auf #Friendica mit @caos@anonsys.net :
Schwerpunkte dort sind u.a. #FOSS #Datenschutz #Fediverse #Linux #OpenStreetMap #CustomROM #DeGoogle #FDroid
🙏 vielen Dank an @thomas !! Die metalhead-Instanz ist top 👍 , nur für mich passt Mastodon nicht so richtig gut. Rock on 🤘
#Introduction (l'était temps !😀)
Ici depuis 2020, vous trouverez là beaucoup de repouets et de contenu autour d'OpenStreetMap🌍, Panoramax📷 (GoPro Max) et la cartographie🗺️ en général.
Je suis aussi utilisateur heureux de l'anneau contraceptif ⭕Andro-switch et promeut son usage et sa certification (➡️ coopérative Entrelac).
J'aime tout l'internet qui bidouille et j'ai une passion honteuse pour les YouTube Poop🤪 .
#OpenStreetMap #Panoramax #Androswitch #Entrelac #MontyPython #YouTubePoop #PireTube
Is there a good #openstreetmap layer that is *not* car-oriented? It's useless to see bright red highways, streets that are more visible because they have more lanes, or car tunnels. I only care about walkability, cycle lanes, and public transport.
My map of the day as suggested by the president of #Mexico
Runnning an #Openstreetmap Tileserver? Just call the following SQL:
update planet_osm_polygon set name='America Mexicana' where osm_id=-148838;
👉 https://www.weeklyosm.eu/archives/17700 👈
Issue 757 of #weeklyOSM is out. 🌏
涵蓋 #開放街圖 #osm 世界大小事的新一期 weeklyOSM 已經發佈 🚀
Lisez les dernières nouvelles de l'univers #openstreetmap 🗺️
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Тижневик OSM тепер доступний Українською 📲
La dernière fois que j'ai fait un post #introduction j'étais un développeur passionné par son métier, membre actif des communautés tech Microsoft
C'est le moment de mettre à jour :
Je suis Guillaume, développeur dégoûté par le monde de la tech.
Grand fan d'#openstreetmap (petit contributeur, mais régulier), et je découvre le monde du libre petit à petit.
J'essaie aussi d'ouvrir la #fenetreDOvertonDeLaGauche, à mon niveau
👉 https://www.weeklyosm.eu/archives/17687 👈
Issue 755 of #weeklyOSM is out. 🌏
涵蓋 #開放街圖 #osm 世界大小事的新一期 weeklyOSM 已經發佈 🚀
Lisez les dernières nouvelles de l'univers #openstreetmap 🗺️
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Тижневик OSM тепер доступний Українською 📲
MapRVA is a small group of #mapping & #openstreetmap enthusiasts in Richmond, Virginia #rva
We meet every few weeks.
You can find us on the @OpenStreetMapUS #slack instance in the local-rva channel.
Apply to be the OSM Core Software Development Facilitator!
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #gis
Have you ever collected data for #OpenCellID #MozillaLocationService #WiGLE or #BeaconDB ?
Please retoot!
@beacondb @beacondb@lemmy.dbzer0.com
#opensource #opendata #openstreetmap #foss #networklocation #mls #microg #grapheneos #geoclue #towercollector #neostumbler
👉 https://www.weeklyosm.eu/archives/17664 👈
Issue 753 of #weeklyOSM is out. 🌏
涵蓋 #開放街圖 #osm 世界大小事的新一期 weeklyOSM 已經發佈 🚀
Lisez les dernières nouvelles de l'univers #openstreetmap 🗺️
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Тижневик OSM тепер доступний Українською 📲
Germany-based #SovereignTechFund contributes 384.000 EUR to #OpenStreetMap over two years. And the best part: it's not for fancy features big sponsors think they need, but for technical debt removal, documentation, testing infrastructure, vandalism prevention, and two additional paid roles.
@sovtechfund once again made a great choice and continues to follow their strategy of sustainable support of critical #OpenSource projects, which @openstreetmap definitely is.
Src: https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/12/20/sovereign-tech-fund-invests-in-openstreetmap/
🌍✨ Discover the Fediverse Map!
Add yourself and see who’s nearby in the Fediverse. 🗺️ Simply choose a general location (like a park, lake, or station – never enter personal data/exact real location!) and connect with other fedinauts around the globe. 🤝 Let’s create a map of our Fediverse community! 🌐
All info here: https://fedikarte.de/en
Free, based on OpenStreetMap & Leaflet.js
Questions/Problems/Thanks? Admin: @wolfmond
Sovereign Tech Fund Invests in OpenStreetMap
Sovereign Tech Agency (@sovtechfund) has decided to invest €384k over two years to ensure the stability, growth and modernization of OpenStreetMap’s core software.
read more: https://blog.openstreetmap.org/2024/12/20/sovereign-tech-fund-invests-in-openstreetmap/
#OpenStreetMap #OSM #Funding