What you need to get this Saturday off the ground;
What you need to get this Saturday off the ground;
An introduction for our #server as we are now accepting #new #users!
https://techtoots.com is a #Mastodon #community focused on #tech (any vintage!). We #welcome #technologists, #coders, #engineers, #gadget lovers, self professed “#geeks” & anyone with an interest and love of tech. If you share the opinion that the the best #technologies are the ones that most resemble ‘#magic’- you’ve found your home in the #fediverse!
#home #welcome #spreadtheword #tellyourfriends #nicepeople #introduction
An introduction for our #server as we are accepting new #users!
#AllThingsTech is a #Mastodon #Community focused around #tech (any and all!). We #welcome #technologists, #coders, #engineers, #gadget lovers, self professed “#geeks” and anyone with an interest and love of tech. If that’s you - you’ve found your home in the #FediVerse!
Sign up @ https://allthingstech.social
#Home #Welcome #SpreadTheWord #TellYourFriends #NicePeople #Introduction