Early in 2023, I stood up an instance off my main domain to check out Mastodon and see if the rumors were true: did it really feel like early Twitter and the short lived ADN?
The answer is yes, it most certainly does, so I while I wanted to continue to engage and meet people,my domain kinda sucked and I never gave a proper #introduction.
I solved the domain issue, so figured I'd take care of the other with a proper first post.
My name is Kevan and I'm kind of from all over the US, but I've been in #Chicago since 2007.
I moved here for college and never left. I came to study #theater and #film with the idea I'd #write and perform on #SNL.
None of those things panned out: I wound up with a degree in #philosophy and #economics and found my way into tech with #engineering (#js, #python) and #ProductManagement.
I thought for a long time I'd wind up in #politics, but my stint running #product at BallotReady during the 2020 election—while the thing I'm most proud of professionally—broke me of that fantasy.
I'm current the VP of Product for a commerce focused #startup. Fortunately, I work from home because this #MechanicalKeyboard is loud AF.
#Travel, #photography, #cooking, listening to #music on #vinyl, reading #ComicBooks and writing on fancy paper with a #FountainPen (mostly #SpokenWord and #FreeVerse #poetry) are my hobbies. And I try to spend as much of my time with Toby, my #goldendoodle (#DogsOfMastodon) as I can.