What question is #lisp the answer to?
Depending in Common Lisp
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://stevelosh.com/blog/2022/08/depending-in-common-lisp/
#lispyGopherClimate #lisp #softwareEngineering #podcast
#climate #haiku from @kentpitman
https://archives.anonradio.net/202502260000_screwtape.mp3 0UTC Wed!
Break from guests this week just
Richard P Gabriel's essay Incommensurability (2012) vs @robpike 's #Systems #software #Research is Irrelevant (2000).
Viz our interviews in the last two months with @nosrednayduj , Kent Pitman, @masinter , @sacha and @ramin_hal9001
Hang out in #lambdaMOO #live as always!
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#technology #podcast #lispyGopherClimate
@nosrednayduj #live #Interview #archive https://archives.anonradio.net/202502190000_screwtape.mp3
Late notice, please #boost <3
Two hours from this toot on https://anonradio.net:8443/anonradio
yduJ from #lambdaMOO and the usual #lisp companies/Stanford #AI lab original extraction.
#lambdaMOO is back!
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#recipe s
🔮 Common Lisp
「 Common Lisp and Smalltalk are some of the last vestiges of a lost culture of programming that was intensely focused on feedback and live systems. I wouldn't claim that those cultures are superior to engineering cultures of today but I would say they prioritized a different set of values and they have much to learn from as a result 」
At this time there are 2'393 projects in the quicklisp dist, of which 145 are mine, making for 6%.
Dunno what that says, but give me money thank u https://patreon.com/shinmera
Brit @kingcons on what they find compelling in Common Lisp. I highly recommend reading also the linked sources, especially the ones on interactivity and REPL-driven programming.
Elements of Clojure. ~ Zachary Tellman. https://elementsofclojure.com/manuscript/elements_of_clojure.pdf #Clojure #Lisp #FunctionalProgramming
Are you writing or considering writing a Common Lisp book? I'm ready to buy your book or back your kickstarter.
CL job offer at D-Wave, Canada. . The software is implemented in Common Lisp (SBCL) and is an integral part of their quantum computing system.
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://www.physicsworldjobs.com/job/20872/software-developer/
Libera Chat has an #interlisp IRC channel where some of our contributors and people interested in Interlisp hang out. If you have any questions on or look to discuss Medley feel free to join.
🔖 🪐 What happened in #commonlisp land in the last two years?
Elements of Clojure is now free
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://elementsofclojure.com/
Prototyping a machine deployment tool with Spritely Goblins
Discussions: https://discu.eu/q/https://www.terracrypt.net/posts/gobs-of-machines.html
I confess that I'm really enjoying playing with functional programming languages like #Clojure. I already like Common #Lisp and #Scheme. Imagine being able to use Lisp in the #JVM world....and it's easy to import #Java classes in #Clojure. I thought it would be complicated. The simplicity of the language is amazing...so much that I was skeptical at first!
Joe Marshall started a blog post series about solving the 2024 Advent of Code problems in Common Lisp. Why now? Some of his motivations:
"I wanted to take my time and focus on code quality rather than on how fast I can write it."
"I want to show how to effectively use the rich set of Common Lisp library functions to write concise, readable, and efficient code."
#lispyGopherClimate @kentpitman #live #interview #computerScience #programming #lisp #commonLisp #python with some special announcements and releases.
#teco #emacs #conditions
#archive Thanks for the incredible interview and livechat everyone!
Interview 1 / ?
Please drop questions here beforehand or join us live in #lambdaMOO as always !
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#lispyGopherClimate https://archives.anonradio.net/202502050000_screwtape.mp3 #archived at 0UTC Wednesday
(Tuesday evening in Americas various, sleepytime in Europe).
@sacha and @shizamura said they like meeting new people, so I visited
#Medium https://medium.com/@screwlisp.
#lisp #commonLisp #lispCommunity #scheme
also the weird lisp campfire stories written
#chat in #lambdaMOO as always
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Rewriting my NES chiptune system again, but this time... entirely in #Lisp! Specifically, my own dialect of #Clojure built on top of NodeJS. I haven't figured out all the details, but I think I want it to run not in the browser, maybe editor-connected REPL-style so folks could use their favorite text editor.
So far, I've got the 6502 CPU simulator and am building out the NSF player.
En que estás pensando ... #emacs ?
#elisp #lisp #python #javascript #php
#shell ... servers
y mucho masS
#hispaemacsconf2025 en construcción
Quitting the Land of #Lisp
(don't worry! I'm almost done with Touretzky! Giving up on this book, not the language)
I want to use #ed more, but me being a Lisper is a huge obstacle to that. #Lisp ASTs and line-based editing don't play well together. And it's a pain to balance the parens in ed. I have already amassed a bunch of regex scripts for doing Lisp, but it's clearly not enough.
Sigh. I want to write something that isn't C or #Lamber in #ed, but I have to come up with a lot of tools and hacks for that.
This over two decades old post is interesting, as it concisely showcases the basic runtime redefinition capabilities of Common Lisp experienced Lispers may take for granted. It discusses simple examples of dynamic redefinition of CLOS classes and methods, as well as ordinary functions.
Learn Common Lisp by Example: GTK GUI with SBCL https://lobste.rs/s/eypjyq #lisp