Norm Ornstein: "I read Sam Alito's dissent in the #USAID case, about paying out money for services already rendered-- fulfilling a legitimate contract with our government. Alito's dissent is full of lies, mischaracterizations and massive hypocrisy. He is an utter embarrassment to the law." #SCOTUS #politics #ethics
Something I worked on for months is now public. Here's an overview:
And here's the link to the actual report (PDF):
#Melbourne based, working on being less chronically online. Embarking on a bunch of nerdy mid-life crisis projects (cheaper than a sportscar)
Work: Government, so professionally apolitical. Areas of expertise include:
#Equality #Reforms
Fun: The random assortment of nerdy and non-nerdy stuff I'd be interested in chatting about:
Budget #Travel
#Warhammer / #Warhammer40k
#3Dmodelling / #3Dprinting
👋 Hi everyone! I’m Daniel Torres Burriel, CEO of Torresburriel Estudio, a UX agency helping companies create user-centered digital experiences with strategic focus and measurable results.
🔍 What we do: UX Research, UI Design, Digital Strategy, and UX Training (UX-PM certification).
🌟 Passionate about digital culture, ethical tech, open source, security, privacy, and CLI.
Let’s connect if you share interests! 🚀
#Introduction #UX #Design #Research #Ethics #Privacy #OpenSource #Accesibility
I updated my bio. I am still interested in machine learning, and I am continuing my own projects in this area, but this terminology has become synonymous with an ideology and culture to which I am diametrically opposed.
There is great value in tools like optical character recognition, speech recognition, and machine translation (when ethically applied). However, the current regime selling machine learning tools as products is completely disconnected from what I would view as a healthy and productive contribution to society.
I would still like to contribute to practical applications of mathematics in the world, and I hope that academia will continue to support my efforts to contribute in a way that supports everyone, not just a small cadre of plutocrats.
Dec 11
4 min
The Scented One doesn't like vigilantes when they target CEOs..
wonder why 🤔
There's a lot of cheerleading for commercial #ai as a benefit to #legalaid & for #accesstojustice.
But there's risk that commercial ai will crowd out public interest ai --- #OpenSourceAI, #opendata.
The marketing for commercial ai also buries the lede that vendors are enriched from training its ai on legal aid work product and clients.
We shouldn't elide the #ethics risks of #lawyer #acquiesence to commercial ai.
#legaltech #fedilaw #opensource #RPCs #neoliberalism #atj #a2j #socialjustice
Decentering Judgment: Toward a Postmodern Communication Ethic
Martha Cooper, 1998
in Judgment Calls, ed J. Sloop
"While modernist conceptions of ethics might begin with principles drawn from religion, political theory, or other sources, a postmodern perspective toward ethics will begin with communication. Postmodernity poses a challenge because the very ground for judgments seems to have split apart beneath those who would judge"
I must admit, I find it harder & harder to listen to people & organisations advocating change when their actions are not aligned with their words.
Change is hard. Costs time, effort & is often complex. However, there's a fine balance between sainthood, practice what you preach, being a role model & 'Do What I Say Not What I Do'.
None of us are perfect nor should we, but it would be nice if all that talk about change resulted in actual positive changes
This is how a truly professional lawyer behaves. John Wilson resigned as general counsel of the Florida Health Department rather than serve as tool for DeSantis’s thuggery. Washington Post link; archived article, total open access at
#LawFedi #LegalEthics #Ethics
Won't train folks on disability rights, accessibility, and the obligation of UC Davis to be accessible, but *will* train folks how to use a technology unethically built on people's writing, art, and photos taken without consent or compensation. #UCAccessNow #Ethics
Do you like Mad Max? Do you like V for Vendetta? Are you or do you like discussing either queer things and ideas, trans things and ideas or anarchist things and ideas? Are you interested in either ethics or politics? Do you have opinions on how people should live with each other in this wasteland as we try to brave its cruelties?
Then this book is for you.
#politics #anarchy #queer #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #nonbinary #madmax #vforvendetta #alanmoore #furiosa #ethics #morality #sex
Do you like Mad Max? Do you like V for Vendetta? Are you or do you like discussing either queer things and ideas, trans things and ideas or anarchist things and ideas? Are you interested in either ethics or politics? Do you have opinions on how people should live with each other in this wasteland as we try to brave its cruelties?
Then this book is for you.
#anarchy #politics #movies #ethics #morality #lgbtq #lgbtqia #trans #queer
#RobertRosen in Anticipatory Systems refers to Jacques Ellul's analysis of the "technological imperative" - something to think over, especially for planners, managers, or engineers. Rosen's angle exposes the infinite regress in the attempt to objectively control a "system of interest", including the avoidance of side effects. In the end it's human activity, and #cybernetics is accountable for the #ethics of its #morality. #sociology #planning #philosophy #VirtueEthics
Please read & share my latest article, “Dehumanization is Wrong” posted to my blog as well as Medium:
In the article I address ideas in the 2024 book “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them)” by Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec.
#ethics #HumanRights #dehumanization #unhuman #politics #polarization #election #election2024
Here's my #introduction:
I live in The Netherlands. I work as a self-employed campaign and communications consultant for world-changing organisations like Fairphone, Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals), ASN Bank and Consumentenbond. I have way too many interests and am childfree by choice :)
Writing about:
#humanetech #systemthinking #publicaffairs #deliberativedemocracy #animalrights #childfreechoice #books #podcasts #ethics #climatecrisis #food #music #politics and #pressfreedom
#Violence is wrong! If you advocate \ support or take part in a violent activity you are wrong. If you believe that violence can be justified, you're part of the problem.
Not to be misconstrued with defence against those that started, escalated, etc, the violence.
So, the next time you or anyone you know starts to feel anger rising, take a few deep breaths, wait, the feeling will pass.
#ethics #morality #antisocial #GeoPolitics #politics #law #religion #psychology #humanity
@SusanNotess and I wrote a new online textbook!
Social Media, Ethics, and Automation
We teach people who have never programmed before to write social media bots, and then think about the ethics of what they've just done.
Visit the textbook here:
Read my blog about it here:
#CSEducation #socialmedia #TechEthics #Ethics #textbook #EthicsEducation #bots
People! Anticipating summer break, I'll be sending the last batch of DIY Ethics Handbooks next week. Channel you anger and empower your inner PUNK over summer: Rough and unready like the future! #ethics #design (Bestseller at the @publicspaces Conf!)
“As a #HigherEducation sector, we need to educate people who are equipped and determined to rise to the challenge. We need to embed sustainability and ethics into every course.” #ClimateEmergency #ethics #sustainability
Time for a new #Introduction.
My background is in interdisciplinary #humanities, #ScienceFiction, #ViolenceStudies (yes, a real field), #Poetry, #FeministTheology and #SpaceEthics (yes, a real field).
I will post a lot about #music, #SciFi, #StarTrek, #ecology, #books, #ethics, #MentalIllness, and #astronomy.
From time time will post links to my various websites.
Posts auto-delete after a week.
If you can afford #MutualAid, I help support my mother. Info in Bio.
New on my Tertulia newsletter: Chiquita Brands found guilty of financing Colombian death squads. #ethics #csr
"Ethics" is not the only problem with generative A.I. -- *epistemology* is broken too.
My latest for Public Books: in the face of #google telling us to eat rocks, we bought an encyclopedia.
Companion blog post here:
#AI #ethics #EthicsInAI #knowledgeinfrastructures #libraries
Well, these authors cut right to the chase in this paper!
In a #new, secret recording, the #SupremeCourt justice suggests partisan funding is to blame for coverage of justices’ undisclosed luxury #gifts
In a new recording, #SCOTUS Justice Samuel #Alito lashes out at the news organization #ProPublica, describing the news organization’s #Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of the #SupremeCourt as driven by #political animus, insisting: “They don’t like our decisions.”
#law #ethics