I work as the Community Outreach Officer for the Welsh Dictionary of Biography, more collquially called the #Bywgraffiadur, at the #NationalLibraryOfWales. Our goal is to close representational gaps and set the Dictionary on a course of recording the diverse lives of historical Welsh people in all their facets. https://biography.wales/
Otherwise, I'm working on #WelshWritingInEnglish mostly from the long #C19, so there is lots of overspill into #RomanticLit and #EdwardianLit, #CulturalHeritage and #History of this small nation. Other research interests include #TravelWriting, particularly illustrated accounts and the history of the #VisitorsBook. For recent projects, I've undertaken some #PublicHistory work and community outreach about #PortHeritage, #WW1 German submarine warfare and its effects on Welsh communities.
I share longer #WorkInProgress on my blog: https://bydbach.hcommons.org/
Toots will be mostly in #English, but occasionally also in #Deutsch and #Cymraeg.