I'm sorry, but this critical Blake’s 7 news needs boosts . If you know, you know ...!
"Blake’s 7 Is Finally Getting Its First-Ever Blu-ray Release — And It’s About Time"
"As reported by Gizmodo and other outlets ... surprisingly, this will also include updated special effects. No, these won’t be of the CGI variety, but rather, brand-new exterior spaceship VFX using practical models"
Radio Free Skaro #975 - Achievement in a Thankless Role
- Disney: #DoctorWho a "Really Good Fit"
- #Blakes7 coming to Blu-ray!
- Commentary for "Planet of the Spiders", Part Three
It's my obligatory "please buy my new game" post!
Liberation is a retro space adventure inspired by the original BBC Micro Elite and classic UK sci-fi such as Blake's 7, Space:1999, Quatermass, Metal Mickey-- ah too many to list! (I post about them a lot-- follow and we can talk #TheTripods)
It's my first "mastodon era" game, developed entirely since I've been on gamedev.place (thanks!). Made on Linux with Godot. I'd love to make more!
Much belated #Introduction
I’m Tim, one of the two presenters on The Randomiser #Podcast. We burble on about #DoctorWho new and old, and other favourite shows such as #RedDwarf #Blakes7 and my cohost Chas also likes #TheTomorrowPeople
Professionally I #VideoDesign for #Theatre and once or twice for #Theater
My own interests here are mostly fun things like #Puns #Scifi #Etymology and #BadJokes but I’m also interested in connecting with other fans of Doctor Who and generally being #Silly
A few of my favourite things (TV edition):
#Andor (and Star Wars in general)
#Buffy the Vampire Slayer
#DeepSpaceNine (and Star Trek in general)
#DoctorWho (mostly classic and the NAs/EDAs; I'm a couple of decades behind with Big Finish)
Neon Genesis #Evangelion
Puella Magi #Madoka Magica
Revolutionary Girl #Utena
#SheRa and the Princesses of Power
#Xena Warrior Princess
Jumped into this and never did an #introductions / #introduction post.
I'm Gareth, I'm in Victoria, Australia.
Twitter was one of my main social outlets, and with that going down the plughole I'm hoping to have some connections here. I'm a little bit socially anxious and not good at being outgoing or interacting with people in the physical world.
I enjoy a #roadtrip, I've been to all the states / territories by road except the Northern Territory (it's on my to do list).
I like #writing, and try to #write. But if I'm honest these past few years have been hard on the creativity. I did find for a time listening to #synthwave did help my creativity process a bit.
Writing wise it's mostly blogs from road trips, other experiences, the occasional long form research and #fanfiction which is the bulk of my long form fiction-based writing. Do have one or two other original fiction pieces which I've been working on for years and not getting anywhere.
Supporter of CC BY 4.0 and free culture. I like to help categorise stuff on Wikicommons, and upload photos there. Also try to upload other random content on the Internet Archive.
I'm a fan of #DoctorWho, #Blakes7, #Stargate, #Fringe, #StarTrek, #Babylon5, #Alias, #BattlestarGalactica, also enjoy; #CalltheMidwife, #Danger5, #GerryAndersonsUFO, #EarthFinalConflict, #VeronicaMars, #MissFisher
#introduction part 1
Started on #Usenet and a 33.6k modem last millennium, and joined Mastodon on a server that's a direct descendent of my best loved newsgroup. I've been reading #sf&f #ScienceFiction #Fantasy since I learnt to read. Fan of #Blakes7 #DoctorWho #Discworld #AndreNorton amongst others. Started writing with #Blakes7 #fanfic and then publishing zines, also last millennium. Went on to write #sf&f and #romance profic.
I guess I should do an #introduction ?
Hi hello I'm solient, a 40+ #transfemme tomboy #artist type person with a #SatisfactoryGame habit and a deep love of #Scifi, particularly #StarTrek, #Stargate, #Blakes7, and #babylon5.
I've referred to my #art as "body positive biopunk." It ranges from wholesome 🍄 folk to #transgender catgirls to possibly NSFW cowgirls. I'm trying to remember to tag my art posts #solientart to make them easier to find.
I like it here and hope it's good for finding work!
Hello Mastodon, I figured I would wait a few days before an #introduction to try to get the lie of the Mastodon terrain.
I am originally from #yorkshire in the UK but emigrated to #canberra, #australia when I was a teen and, with a couple of breaks for good behaviour, I've lived here ever since.
I'm married to the love of my life and have two teenage children who drive me insane.
I've been a gamer since the #zxspectrum days and owned and managed a #videogames store in the 90s. #gaming and #retrogaming is in my blood.
My other interests are #film, #cycling and I'm also a #cubscout leader for the past 10 years. In addition, I like #sherlockholmes, #fantasyfiction, #drwho, #blakes7, #jamesbond, #misterfpga and #etymology and #classicmovies
I'm a part of the #twittermigration, looking for a place to make some connections, learn some things and explore my interests without the awful cacophany of those other socials.
I have an essay on my life with #Blakes7 in the new issue of @UncannyMagazine, online now!
Doing a re-introduction on account of new people arriving:
I'm a #transmasc in Detroit who spends only the average amount of time thinking about how I'm being slowly poisoned by my adopted town. I made a #B7Playlist (I am the only #Blakes7 fan I know). Also wrote #AVeryDeadwoodXmas before I figured out threading, but I still think it's funny. This account boosts leftist politics, posts bad jokes and gender overshares. If you've already followed, it's not too late to change your mind.