I can only think of one person I know who likes fruitcake for sure, but I see fruitcakes everywhere in grocery stores this time of year.
Let’s see if a bigger sample size helps.
Do you like fruitcake?
Boosts are warmly welcomed.
#Food #Today #AskFedi #Fruitcake
#askFedi What is the best directory of #fediverse instances for new users looking for a home for their first account?
Anyone have charting/graphing libraries they like these days? I've done some building with matplotlib returning SVG charts, but no interactive components.
I've not looked deeply into JS charting options, so I'm curious to know what works well for lite applications.
#AskFedi What's a good way to share passwords among a small team? Would prefer something that doesn't require a monthly subscription.
Despite following many non-technology hashtags there's lots of computer technology chatter in my #mastodon feed. Let's change that for #sunday!
So #fediverse: have you ever milked a cow? (or goat, sheep etc.)
edit: it's sunday, best to put a CW on photos of you milking your hamster.
#askfedi #question #farming #animals #cow #cat
Options: (choose one)
This is not in relation to anything specific, but been thinking lately I should have some employment-law related resources handy so I'm not scrambling whenever I /do/ need some.
Ya’ll got any good tips/directories/whatever for finding an employment lawyer? Bonus if they have experience supporting the tech sector. I'm in NJ, USA. #AskFedi #Employment #Lawyer
Does anyone know of a managed hosting service so that people can easily run their own GoToSocial servers?
(By the way, I'm not asking for help with installing software, I'm just trying to find a GTS managed hosting service so I can tell people about it 🙂 )
#askFedi if #AI were not dominated by megacorps and involved less entropy… if it weren't a surveillance thing, but instead, a social mutual reflection thing… imagine it were *ours* and we fed it what we wanted it to know, like we would raise a child? Imagine it simultaneously lived everywhere, each computer a part of its body? What if we all watched it learn every day, together?
I imagine such a thing could be the collective voice of society. I imagine it would represent the best of ourselves.
It’s new job eve! 🙌🏻
Bag packed and ready to go.
What’s your best advice for starting at a new company?
Help requested!
Given all the Wordpress to-do (plus ongoing issues with WPEngine), I'm planning on moving my small, very simple static website off Wordpress and instead using something like Blocs to create my site. (Thanks to @sindarina for identifying this as a possible fit for me.)
Now I need to identify a hosting company. I'm looking for good, not cheap. Reliable. Good customer support for the rare times I need it. Probably US-based. Any suggestions?
What’s a relatively old thing you still love despite the fact that many newer alternatives are probably better to recommend? #AskFedi
Is there any post/account delegation feature on fedi?
I have a business twitter account delegated to two community admins, and they've been doing a great job.
I wouldn't mind something similar for org accounts like @Techpizzamondays - is there any way to empower other people to post without giving full credentials?
#askFedi do you use any specific kinds of prompts to get an LLM to help you find corroborating sources?
I recently asked Claude to give me an html document with links to web searches that might return reputable sources that could corroborate the points Claude had made in its previous response.
I think the search queries were decent, but I should have asked for an alternative search engine.
Looking for recommendations for interesting accounts to follow. Who should I check out?
My main interests are art, video games and books :)
Is turning #hardrives on and off on a regular basis still a bad thing, or is that not relevant for modern drives? If I turn my #NAS on and off everyday, to save power, is power cycling the HDDs damaging?
TITiPI is on the lookout for used Jetson Developer kits and Software API keys, for a collective investigation of the nebulous world of software-operated hardware. Contact us (before 1/10) and we make you an offer!
What does a completely basic #openGL #cpp app structure look like on #archlinux, using #glad and #glfw3, assuming that I have installed glfw from the arch repos and downloaded glad from the website generator? What should I stick into the Makefile? What does the main.cpp look like? Most material I find is centered around VSCode, and everything else confuses the f*ck out of me. I would like to be able to follow along learnopengl.com from the comfort of #emacs... #askfedi
Anyone know how to get a "catering account" or buy from a wholesale food/snack distributor in #Australia?