#mastoart #manga #anime #bd #illustration #art #game #conceptart #solarpunk #jonjuarez #slam
#mastoart #manga #anime #bd #illustration #art #game #conceptart #solarpunk #jonjuarez #slam
Solo leveling is literally animators, choreographers and sound directors leveling (up). #anime
Just finished #Helck
Good piece of #art
I must say I had a heck of a time.
#anime #Humor #Action #Fantasy
Fanart made by nyoro
You next #anime entry in #toWatchList :
Kazemakase Tsukikage Ran (Carried by the Wind)
A breath of fresh air, slow paced and funny.
Sick animation and fight choregraphy.
13 episodes only, madhouse studio.
Currently watching this anime for the first time :
Terror in Resonance (2014)
For real, this has an enthralling storytelling so far (ep5). This is such a gem. Very excited to appreciate it to the fullest.
Give it a go, You won't be dissapointed.
Badass soundtrack / Bikes / Bomb / Explosion / Mystery
#anime #TerrorInResonance #2014 #japanese #animation #japanimation #psychological #thriller #shinichirowatanabe #MappaStudio
I'm #planning on #graduating in a year or so, so I'm trying to make more #friends and get more involved in the #community outside of my #school. That way, I won't be #alone after I don't have all my school friends and community around anymore. I don't know where I'll go for a #PhD, but this area is still my #home.
I'm into #gardening, #cooking, #sewing, #painting, #CreativeWriting, #reading, #VideoGames, and #anime. I'm from the #Rochester, #NY area.
#acupuncture #manga #anime #dungeonmeshi #laidbackcamp
#watercolor #illustration #mastoart #pixelart
#pinoy #filipino #cawx
After weeks of coming up with New Year's resolutions that'll most likely go nowhere, I wanted to compile some stuff I genuinely feel like doing. Instead of playing a hundred games or watching every movie released in a particular time period, I want to follow a path that works best for me in the current moment, and when I'm bored, or finished, I'll move on to something else that interests me. I made a Google Doc consisting of some stuff I want to do. Because of how my #autistic brain works, it's hard for me to continue doing something that doesn't appeal to me at the moment. The document lists stuff I'm currently interested in, though things are subject to change. Since I'm no longer bound to following a strict set of goals, I now feel freer to accomplish anything at any pace that's best for me. Expect to see stuff mostly related to #retrogaming as it's a hobby that interests me most. I also got over my irrational dislike of #anime and even plan to watch a few myself.
Updated #Introduction for the newcomers out there.
🌱 I'm a #Vegan #Childfree #Asexual #Pagan
🌊 I work in #MarineScience as a Sediment Specialist, but my first 💙 is #MarineMammals. #MarineBiology
📚 Hobbies include learning #Japanese, #Reading, & #Lego. #AFOL #Bookstadon #BookSky #LanguageLearning
📝 I sometimes write & #SelfPublish #SciFi novels (@KLlewellin).
🚀 I'm a massive nerd/geek & love computer games, comics, #manga & #Anime.
I probably have over 400 Lalah pics at this point. The nicer ones get picmixed.
#Lalah #Gelgoog #FirstGundam #MobileSuitGundam #Gundam #mecha #anime #RetroAnime
Et du coup, je vais commencer un fil avec mes #Avis sur les #Anime de la saison #Hiver2025.
Normalement je poste mon avis en me basant uniquement sur l'épisode 1, mais bon cette fois, j'ai plusieurs semaines de retard, donc je dirais ça en me basant sur plusieurs épisodes (mais en essayant de pas spoiler pour autant).
Henlo everybunny!
Ye can call me Rok-chan or whatever ye like.
Here are sum of me interests, mayhaps "simplified"
Videogames PC
• NieR
• Final Fantasy (VIII; x/x-2; XIV; XVI)
• Phantasy Star (4; Online Ephinea)
• Manor Lords
• Fate/
• Neon Genesis Evangelion
• Ghibli (Castle in the Sky, Mononoke, Nausicaa)
• Escaflown
Music, mainly EDM
• Dubstep
• DnB
• Happy Hardcore/J-core
• Metalcore
• Djent
#introduction #newcomers #pcmasterrace #pcmr #videogames #anime #edm
It is not coincidence that we met...
Adventure awaits...
#dailySHF #DragonBall
#toyphotography #toyphotoshoot
#anime #アニメ #SHFiguarts
La saison #Automne2024 des #anime se termine, alors comme d'habitude, voici mon bilan où je donne mon #avis sur les anime qui viennent de se finir.
Here's my #introduction long overdue!
Hi! I'm a software engineer during the day and #music #math #planners #stationery nerd during after hours :D
My interests:
- I play the guitar, now I'm moving to playing the bass guitar.
- #emacs and #orgmode. #lisp is growing on me.
- #machinelearning and #jupyter in general
- #statistics
- Mostly #manga nowadays and some #anime. And then I started to learn Japanese as a result.
- #drawing
- Recently got into #lockpicking and #locksport. Tried my hand at #bugbounty in the beginning of last year.
- #cooking
- #fashion
- #chess
I'm a big fan of #irc and #rss feeds as well. I like using Matrix too btw.
#introduction time! In real life, I'm a middle-aged software engineer who also does a lot of server administration, and I couldn't resist the urge to set up my own #sharkey (formerly #firefish) instance to make sure it's done just right, so here I am.
On the internet, I'm a superfan of #Utawarerumono, but I'm also a fan of retro/quirky/niche JRPGs in general (like #TalesOf, #Ys, and #BreathOfFire), anything that has #kemonomimi in it, #furry media in general, and stories that make me feel things. I've also been playing in and GMing #TableTopRPGs for decades, although I haven't had a regular group for a few years.
Things you'll see me do here:
- Boost art that I like (sometimes spicy but not 18+)
- Post pictures of my #cats
- Post my own #art or #cosplay
- Talk about #VideoGames or #anime
- Somewhat less often, talk about #ttrpgs, #Linux, #programming, or #robots
The Specialist Interceptor of Pursuit is a master of rooftop surveillance.
Unlike the Interceptor, they keep distance, utilizing parkour to navigate rooftops and keep criminals within sight of the law to help the Interceptor close the gap.
Their light armor and minimal equipment prioritize agility and adaptability, crucial for overcoming unpredictable obstacles found on city rooftops. Energy, cardio, and flexibility are key.
#aiart #swarmui #sdxl #anime #aigenerated #aiartcommunity #aiartwork
My #introduction post.
Hiii #mastodon and #fediverse I am male.
I am 19 years old. I like to watch #anime and sci-fi horror and comedy shows. #from is one of the best horror shows I watched. I also like #f1 to watch. I am from #europe I don't know what else to add here I just hope to find some friends here.
#pl #vegan #queer #anarchist I hope I can meet some nice likeminded people here! I like #musicmaking #gaming #anime I am also a freshly converted #linux noob.
Mam nadzieję że uda mi się tu spotkać fajnych ludzi!
I've never done an #introduction post because I'm too shy and introverted, but here goes me trying to be more open. I might delete later if I get too freaked out.
I'm Dan a 40ish white millennial living in unceded Kaurna Yerta.
I am interested in #linux and open source, my day job is a #sysadmin and #python Dev, because small companies can't afford one of each.
When not working or taking my 8 year old to the many dance classes and SANFL junior matches I like to add to my vegetable #garden and play as many #videogames as I can get running on Linux. I also taught myself #knitting but my ADHD probably means I will have a lot of unfinished bits I'm working on.
My wife and I were #anime weebs before we knew weeb was a term, having watched Akira and Fist of the North Star on VHS as our second date in 1998. We also love visiting Japan and eating all of the Asian food.
I sometimes make it to conventions, though I won't make #pyconau this year I hope to get to #everythingopen next year. If you see me come and say hello because I will probably be too shy to say hi to you.
Uusi esittely, kun edellisestä on aikaa! Olen Helsingissä asuva ja junantuoma Muurolasta, joka on Rovaniemellä.
Tuuttaan käveltävyydestä - olenhan @HelsinginJalankulkijat ry:n varapuheenjohtaja - ja tiedän asioita saavutettavuudesta, koska työskentelen sen parissa valtiolla.
Bloggailen ja kirjoittelen ihan henkilökohtaisilla sivuilla: Erityisen ylpeä olen luokkaloikkarit-teksteistäni: Kannattaa lukea!
Politiikan saralta olen tällä hetkellä kaupunkiympäristölautakunnan ympäristö- ja lupajaoston varajäsen Vasemmistoliitolta.
Viimeisimpänä ponnistuksena olen ehdolla Vasemmistoliiton listoilta kuntavaaleissa 2025 Helsingissä. Tsekkaa kuntavaalisivuni: Sanalla sanoen jännittää!
Välitän saavutettavuudesta, joten buustailen vain tuutteja, joissa on käytetty alt-tekstiä kuvan kanssa (ellei kyse ole poikkeuksesta). Kirjoitathan alt-tekstin kuviisi?
Vapaa-ajalla pelailen digitaalisesti ja analogisesti, koodailen, boulderoin, luen mangaa, katson animea, pyöräilen ja töllään pitkiä YouTube-esseitä. Omistan koiran, joten ulkoilen!
Tägejä, jotka pätevät: #jalankulkijat #Helsinki #Rovaniemi #saavutettavuus #esteettömyys #manga #anime #youtube #games #videoGames #pyörädontti #pyöräily #koirat #käveltävyys #joukkoliikenne #urbanismi #kaupunkisuunnittelu