I kinda hate this icon, it is simultaneously too busy and too simple, every line doesn't *quite* look like I want it to, but I think I'm going to ship it next week anyway and update it when I have some better ideas (also I have no idea how to describe it #alt4me )
PSA: #AltText is a great #Accessibility tool.
It isn’t just essential for people who rely on screen readers.
It triggers applicable filters, making this platform a lot easier to stomach for many people.
Consider writing at least a short phrase for filters.
#Alt4Me if you do not have the time or energy in the moment.
I might #Alt4You unprompted (on popular posts), this is not a complaint, but meant as a helpful gesture.
I will not boost toots without alt text.
Hi #Mastodon it's 17:17 right now ET can you help my friend @skelders333 in their goal for safe housing???
Every bit counts
#CommunityCare #SupportDisabledArtists #MutualAid
#ChronicallyIll #ALT4me
@disabledvoices @mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @MutualAidNet
5 days to keep my family housed and safe and fed
We had to use all of Mom's social security (basically) to cover the hotel this week
We haven't had proper food funds for months aside a few weeks in Nov
Every bit goes to keep us housed
Our needs keep going unmet
Can you helo my #disabled family please #Mastodon by sharing or contributing?
@disabledvoices @mutualaid @MutualAidVisibility @MutualAidNet
I heard Cracking the Cryptic had a "Chess Sudoku" game so rather than engage with that in any way, I invented my own Chess Sudoku game. Each 3×2 minigrid must contain one of each type of chess piece, and no piece may attack any piece of the same type, ignoring anything that's in the way — so, no two rooks in the same row or column, no two bishops on the same diagonal, etc.
(If anyone at #alt4me has any idea how to supply useful alt text for this kind of thing do please let me know)
Good morrow #Mastodon
We finally have clean running water - seems sketchy to me that the hotel never posted about it but I got an alert for the area via phone the day of #hurricaneMilton
Anyway, I still have an #ongoing #MutualAid need
$94/$700 Hotel Due 10/22
$230 Food, Gas, etc
$94/$930 Weekly Goal
Can you help #SupportDisabledArtists and keep my #disabled family alive?
We're #homeless so every bit counts #boost or contributing helps
Hey #Mastodon my friend @tulsalien.bsky.social needs help to stay safely
from hunger
Can you help?
$1 helps
1 boost helps
I was trying to visualize how I would like to interact with different actors in a community. This is what I have so far. I intend to add some arguments and tips for the different ways of interacting in this thread (1/4).
#community #collaboration #mentalhealth #socialmedia #alt4me
I moved from another server so I will be re-following folks slowly!
Expect to hear about: #lgbtqia #polyamory #disability #mentalHealth #chronicPain #trauma #pets #serviceDog #boardgames #3DPrinting #fdmPrinting #resinPrinting #canada #ontario #ottawa #furry #geeky and more!
You're welcome to say hi and ask me anything!
Software development is occurring.
(I could really use some help with the alt text on this one, I am not sure I know where to begin. #alt4me )
A new ✨Quarantine Notes✨ #book announcement 📣
For those who asked if there’s a #Kindle edition, it’s now available & yours for a song 🎶
#Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CBCWV7HS?ref_=ast_author_dp
Thanks, for your support 🙏🏼✨
@bookstodon #books #bookstodon #Mastodon #Fediverse #JoinIn #today #news #writing #WritingCommunity #writingwonders #poetry #poetrycommunity #spirituality #wisdom #inspiration #covid #meditation #Alt4Me #faith #life
Tuuttaan lähinnä saavutettavuudesta. Kirjoitathan aina vaihtoehtoisen tekstin (alt-tekstin) kuvaasi? Jos et voi tehdä sitä esimerkiksi vammasi vuoksi, niin kutsu joku apuun häsällä #ALT4me tai #AltMinulle.
Buustaan esteettömyydestä, pyöräilystä, politiikasta, kaupunkitilan antamisesta ihmisille, ihmisten teknologiasta ja kuvia, joilla on alt-tekstit. Jätän seuraamatta, jos et käytä niitä.
Pohdin, miten yhteisöt toimivat ja ohjautuvat, ja miten palveluita voitaisiin tehdä ihmislähtöisesti. Etsin paikkoja vaikuttaa.
Huono katsomaan sarjoja, hyvä katsomaan 1,5 tunnin videoesseitä Youtubesta. Tykkään peleistä - videolla tai ilman.
Oon se tyyppi, joka puhui randomille ultimate frisbee -höntsäporukalle 3 vuotta sitten ja käy yhä aktiivisesti pelaamassa.
Painettujen kirjojen, e-kirjojen ja äänikirjojen ystävä. Aiheina scifi, yhteiskuntaluokat, teknologia ja sosiaalinen media. Tsekkaa mun luokkaloikkarit-tekstit, jotka yhdistävät omia kokemuksia ja tutkimusta: https://samimaatta.fi/luokkaloikkarit.
#saavutettavuus #pyöräily #kaupunkisuunnittelu #scifi #palvelumuotoilu #tutkimus #tiede #videopelit #politiikka #luokkaloikkarit #kirjamastodon #äänikirja #ekirja #äänikirjat #ekirjat #HTML
Tooting mostly in Finnish and about digital accessibility. Won't you write an alt text to your image? If you can't make an alt text, for example, because of a disability, use #ALT4me and somebody will swoop in to make you one!
Boosting posts with physical accessibility, cycling, politics, cities and tech for humans and images with #altText. I won't follow you if you don't use it.
I wonder how communities work and how we can design things with humans at the center. I'm trying to find places where to make a difference.
Bad at watching shows, good at watching 1,5 hour long video essays on Youtube. I game - with or without video.
I'm the guy who walked up to a group of people playing ultimate frisbee 3 years ago and am still playing with them.
Friend of printed books, ebooks and audiobooks. Genres: scifi, society, technology and social media.
#accessibility #cycling #urbanPlanning #scifi #serviceDesign #research #gaming #videogames #politics #ebooks #audiobooks #audiobook #ebook #braille #HTML