Hi everyone! I’m not good at talking about myself, but I’ve been here long enough that I should post my #introduction. So, I’m Kiran, I’m 24, and I live in #Melbourne, #Australia, on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation. I have wanted to join the Fediverse for ages but got stuck at the ‘join a public server vs host your own’ question (I’ve known about this server for a few years, but I’ve never plunged in until now).
I’m interested in #computers and #technology, but I’ve never dedicated myself enough to spin up a server or anything. I did software dev in high school, but I struggled in that environment, so instead I’m pursuing #accounting, and I’m currently studying it at uni, along with #InformationSystems. In the meantime, I dabble in teaching myself #coding every now and again.
I’m #ActuallyAutistic and have #ADHD (fun combo), so I have a decent set of strong passions loosely held, but when asked about them I forget half and am reluctant to share the others, because if you don’t actively engage those passions, do they really exist? I may or may not also have self-esteem issues. Regardless, I’m hoping to find a community to share my interests with, but I might still be a bit nervous joining in here or there, so if you catch me lurking, it’s not malicious.
I’d finish by posting my #Melway collection (I have a copy of every issue ever released!) but alas, I don’t have a photo handy. I’ll get one and stick it up soon.