"Can’t say you did Nazi this coming."
~ Marcie Jones
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"Can’t say you did Nazi this coming."
~ Marcie Jones
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"The fact that Republicans running for re-election in areas with significant Puerto Rican populations are apologizing on Sunday evening—violating the cardinal rule of Trumpism—'Never apologize,' shows that Republicans know they have offended multiple constituencies of Americans."
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"Pay attention to the past to understand the present. This is a reboot of authoritarianism. Once fascists get power, it’s very hard to get them out. Along the way, many people suffer and die as the movement eventually burns out and betrays its followers."
~ Wajahat Ali
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"We have been here before. In 1939, American Nazis held a rally at Madison Square Garden. Anne Applebaum, who writes for the Atlantic about government and authoritarianism, posted some original footage from the 1939 event, and it is worth your time. It is chilling. But the Greatest Generation didn't fall into the trap. We must not either."
~ Joyce Vance
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
“This was a hate rally. This was not just a presidential rally, this was also not just a campaign rally. I think it’s important for people to understand these are mini January 6 rallies, these are mini Stop the Steal rallies. These are rallies to prime an electorate into rejecting the results of an election if it doesn’t go the way that they want.”
~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"Donald Trump wanted his Nazi-style rally at Madison Square Garden, in New York City, the media capital of the world. And then he let out his MAGA movement’s ugly all-out bigotry.
It is his campaign’s biggest blunder, and it’s a big one. Even Republicans are freakin’ the f’ out."
~ kos
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"Harris won the day because her campaign events did not promote racism, spark a bipartisan backlash and insult pivotal voting blocs.
If Donald Trump loses on Nov. 5, the racist carnival he curated at Madison Square Garden could be remembered as the day that cost him this margin-of-error election."
~ Adam Wren
#KamalaHarris #Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"On Sunday at MSG, Donald Trump engineered what will be seen by political analysts and later by historians as the coup de grâce that killed forever his prospects of being president and may well have set him on a post-election course on which he finally may be held accountable for his actions."
~ David Rothkopf
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"The rally will almost certainly alienate more voters who might have voted for Trump and it is hard to imagine it has earned him one single new vote. (Unless there is a Franz Liebkind somewhere who has been too busy writing 'Springtime for Hitler' to have paid attention to the campaign until now.)"
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"But worse still, unlike the Bund rally, Trump’s was not a fringe affair. It was led by a former President of the United States on behalf of very nearly half of the American people."
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
Parker Molloy does a run-down of coverage of Trump's hate rally at Madison Square Garden, and concludes:
"It looks like major news outlets have finally decided to call things as they are—at least for now. Over the weekend, reporting on Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden marked a significant shift in how the press portrays political events, particularly those that descend into hate-filled spectacle."
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"At his Madison Square Garden rally, Trump’s argument was hate and fear. ...
As an encapsulation of what Trump stands for as a candidate, and what he would bring to office, the rally was an effective medium for his closing message."
~ David A. Graham
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden
"This, perhaps even more than his reprehensible immigrant bashing and fascist overtones, is Trump’s closing argument: to put women back in their place and restore men to total supremacy in America."
~ Susan Milligan
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden #misogyny #MaleEntitlement
"Drawing frequent comparisons to the pro-Nazi rally held there in 1939, the rally was filled with racist, crude, and incendiary rhetoric. ...
And yet, around half of Americans plan to vote for him.
Even more troubling, 82% of white evangelicals plan to vote for this."
~ Kristin Du Mez
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden #misogyny #MaleEntitlement #WhiteEvangelicals
"Ironically, extremist movements within secure democracies are usually the ones actually destined for the garbage heap. That results from a simple fact: In order to keep the show going and the money flowing, extremism has to keep out-extreming itself. In an attention economy like this one, the effect can be even more pronounced."
~ Jay Kuo
#Trump #fascism #WhiteSupremacy #hate #MadisonSquareGarden