@JenYetAgain @ami_angelwings and to think ninja turtles was originally a parody of the sorts of comic books they had at the time
@waitworry @JenYetAgain @ami_angelwings wait WHAT?
@arichtman @JenYetAgain @ami_angelwings ok like in the comics it is implied that the radioactive ooze they got exposed to was on the same truck that caused Daredevil to get his powers so they're supposed to share an origin
at the time I guess stories with ninja were big so they are ninja
and then the big one is that the villains they fight are "the foot" while daredevil fights the hand
there is probably other stuff i'm not too well versed in turtle lore
@waitworry @JenYetAgain @ami_angelwings I mean The Foot always felt funny, same with Shredder. Now it's even funnier, thanks!
@waitworry @arichtman @JenYetAgain splinter is stick
@waitworry @arichtman @JenYetAgain krangpin
@ami_angelwings @waitworry @JenYetAgain Thanks y'all makin my DAY!
@arichtman @waitworry @ami_angelwings Oh, yeah, Shredder died in the first issue, he wasn't really a thing until the Cartoon.