A short overview of end-of-2023 state of thi.ng(s) (https://thi.ng/umbrella only!):
96 releases done in 2023 (i.e. every 3.6 days on average)
188 projects/packages (+12 this year)
151 example projects (+32 this year)
3,865 source files
144,432 lines of code
54,155 docs/comments (37% or 2.66 lines of code-to-comment ratio)
198,587 total SLOC
Readme files (for all 188 packages):
49,580 total words
189,978 lines
A lot of activity this year was spent on adding/improving documentation & creating new examples to illustrate general usage patterns. From August till October I published 30 chapters of #HowToThing aka heavily commented code examples & mini-tutorials, incl. ~20 new example projects which are now part of the monorepo. Just like the overall project scope, these chapters covered anything from audio synthesis, data transformations, DSLs, geometry, generative art/design, GIS, image processing, Mastodon client, reactive UIs (NOT using React!), shaders, other visualizations and more... Check out the hashtag to view them (full list is also part of the thi.ng/umbrella readme).
#ThingUmbrella #OpenSource #Gratitude #ProjectStatistics #YearInReview #IndyDev #Fundraising