@eff says it's a "red alert". July 28 is the last day Congress is in session before their summer recess, which means supporters of #BadInternetBills are trying to sneak them through before then. So digital rights, human rights, and LGBTQIA2S+ groups are fighting back with a Week of Action.
Please help get the word out!
One easy thing to do: check out the #BadInternetBills hashtag and boost posts you see there.
Can the Fediverse Help Stop Bad Internet Bills? has more on why #KOSA, #EARNIT, #STOPCSAM, and the other bad internet bills are so bad -- including the threats to encryption and the harms they'll cause to LGBTQIA2S+ people -- and ways you can help.
And if you're a US resident, @fight has a handy page that makes it easy to contact Congress about the bills at https://badinternetbills.com
Or, if you prefer, EFF's page also has inks to pages that make it easy to contact Congress.
See the replies for more information about the individual bills -- and I'll update this thread over the course of the week as new information becomes available.