View from my last day of training
Someone just told me ‘California sheephead transition from female to male, AND conjure a sphere of mucus to protect them when they sleep’
Maybe it shows I spend a lot of time looking at jellyfish but I got in this morning and was like NEW JELLY
@skinnylatte I love your posts about your new job so much
@skinnylatte or the ‘poorly poached egg’, as my wife dubbed it. One of my favorites! Though I think the gooseberry comb jelly, and the unnamed one that looks like a red gooseberry are the top of my list.
Some photos of the outside
Many of my days in Monterey kick off here. It’s the coffee spot near work I tend to have breakfast meetings at, and also the mid point stop on my bike ride there.
View from an office window (and I work in one of the ‘boring’ office buildings, not at the main aquarium). They all have pretty good views I think
The kelp forest exhibit says something like ‘you always know it’s a rockfish when it’s just laying there not moving’
My wife is in town (very rare!) so we took a nice evening stroll from the aquarium to the Sandbar
Bloody-belly comb jelly. Can’t believe I get to see this at work
Black necked stilts at our onsite aviary (which rehabilitates and releases injured birds, and keeps those who can’t be released)
@skinnylatte the photo really does not convey how ridiculously big they are.
@b0rk @skinnylatte Yes. It's just so pleasing to see someone having a great and exciting time right now.