49. She then said when she went to hang out with the octopus she got octopus hickies all over her arms and they didn’t go away for a long time.
50. Today I got stopped in the hallways. Someone I didn’t really know said, ‘hey are you the one who posted the pic of the Townsend’s warbler? I saw the same bird but didn’t have my camera so thanks for taking the cool pic’ (when I worked at a database company, all they talked about was emacs vs vim)
We then agreed to go on a lunch bird walk
51. Apparently they will pay for us to get Spanish lessons, so my taco dreams are going to be bumped up to the next level. Did I also mention I met a guy who has a database of 90 taco truck rankings in Monterey, Salinas, Watsonville, all the way up to Santa Cruz
I’m emailing him to have lunch (at a taco truck)
52. People were asking me if I got a bluetiful sweatshirt and I thought they were all mispronouncing beautiful, but there really is an employee sweatshirt called BLUEtiful. It’s blue.
53. My manager showed me a special spot in a building facing the ocean that he called the ‘binoculars corner’. There are comfy chairs and binoculars you can use.
I zipped down my jacket and showed that I already had a pair of binoculars. He said ‘oh yours are better’
Then I told him about how I went to someone’s office just before that and she had a SCOPE SET UP FOR WHALES (that anyone visiting her could use)