@skeletor I'm glad Skeletor is inspired by Mariame Kaba. Here's info about her book for anyone who'd like to learn more: https://chicagoreader.com/arts-culture/let-this-radicalize-you-mariame-kaba-kelly-hayes-haymarket-books/
@skeletor I'm already radicalized. Despair is irrelevant. Love you, #inspirationalskeletor.
@skeletor seems like poor wording now that so much ink has been spilled to get everyone freaked out and laws spun up to go after “radicalized” groups and label such as “domestic terrorists” with further legal ramifications.
Geez, maybe people should stop encouraging vindictive politics when it is good for “my” team. The shoe will ALWAYS be on the other foot at some point.
@skeletor I see some people in the replies don't understand what the term means or the way it's being used in this context. Suprise, Suprise.