Anyone here who moved from Sertraline to other antidepressants? How was your experience?
I've been on that for a few months now, my mood improved and my anxiety is less powerful but I can still barely function normally or focus and my OCD and depression symptoms are partly back. Constant brain fog etc.
@skaly I moved from Sertraline to Duloxetine. Way better. No longer caused me as much depression. Side effects unfortunately involved frequent nightmares
FWIW, my doctor added Buspar/Buspirone to go with the Sertraline and it seems to be helping. I found it interesting that the hospital staff took me off nearly all of my regular meds for the month I was in after my accident, but they left the mental health meds alone.
@skaly a few years back, I switched from Sertraline to Mirtazapine after a month or so because it gave me, uh, persistent stomach issues, and I didn't have any issues with the transition (the Mirtazapine didn't do much, so I then changed from that to Venlafaxine, which I find wonderful!).
@skaly Sory, no. I take Venlafaxin now since 15 years. It stabilizes. No Depression symptoms. But no real joy as well.
Thank you 💙 glad it's working out well for you!
@engravecavedave Thank you! I should look into it
@engravecavedave @skaly I got put on Prazosin for my traumatic nightmares and it’s helped SO MUCH. No clue if it’s different when they’re a side effect of another med.
@neuroticowl @engravecavedave Thank you, I should look into it, glad you feel better 💜