Around the same time (within 10 or 15 mins) of this post, I made another post:
But even this post, if we assume everything bad about the Israelis is true (which I don't know if it is or not) then we come to the following conclusions:
1. The Israeli soccer fans were chanting horrible stuff
2. The Israeli soccer fans were engaging in vandalism
3. The Netherlands soccer fans beat them up severely, with a dozen requiring hospitalization
4. The Netherlands soccer fans were going around asking if people on the street were Jewish and if they were, beating them up
Should vandals and jerks be arrested. Absolutely!
Should they be subject to mob rule and violence? Absolutely not.
Should people on the street be asked "Are you a Jew?" and beat up if they answer yes? No!
This is violent antisemitism. I don't know what's to be confused about.