I can imagine that being extremely difficult, but I'm always a bit sad about hearing "this place doesn't work for us, so we will leave", because I feel like a community governed space is the only one that can ever have a realistic chance of one day working for everyone.
Commercially oriented entities imo will only ever have at best secondary interest in being safe and helpful to people and while they might in practice be fairly safe for some, they very much aren't for others.
That's of course extremely easy for me to say that as someone who is not subjected to the same level of abuse and if things are too bad to stay, they are too bad to stay. But I do hope that collectively we'll at some point figure out a way to make these things work for all of us and I hope you won't be giving up entirely on the idea of community run networks
My post is meant to reflect not just the abuse we recieve, but the various steps I and others have taken. These were not minor actions- we worked at each of these for months, seeing nothing improve and even suffering abuse within the structures meant to be safe spaces of social justice.
This is an expression of "We suffered abuse, we tried to resolve it by doing A, doing B, doing C, doing D... and now we're exhausted and out of ideas. It's clear to us that we're not wanted here."