#RaspberryPi owners, how do you back up your #RPi?
I don’t have an extra hard drive, so I need to back up to #GoogleDrive. I’ve installed #Rclone and tried creating a #BASH script, but I’m struggling with it.
If you’ve set up something similar or have recommendations for an efficient backup workflow, I’d love to hear them! Bonus points if you know any good courses or resources to improve my scripting skills.
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Edited 73d ago
@RareBird15 Another vote for Restic here. I use it with Backblaze B2. I'm not an academic learner so for me to develop bash skills I had to find things I wanted to accomplish, write scripts to do those things, and then rewrite or improve them repeatedly to incorporate more test conditions, error handling, functions, etc. so the effort starts simple and then I gradually make it better. It certainly helped to have people to review my code and tell me how it sucked, and to use version control.