@mekkaokereke @StillIRise1963 You both force me to face some really uncomfortable stuff about the industry I work in, and the country I live in.
Your posts sometimes make me angry, they make me uncomfortable.
Thank you for that, I need that. We need that if we’re ever going to learn to be better towards each other.
Please don’t ever stop.
@are0h Man. I don’t always get you, but I know you work tirelessly at making the fediverse better for people who aren’t like me.
Thank you for that. I’m sure those people need a champion like you, let’s be real, people like me probably aren’t picking up the baton and doing the work.
But you are, thank you.
@ben Thank you for working hard to make journalism better. In a world where so many of us have given up on the field as a whole, you haven’t stopped pushing forward.
I hope so dearly that we may live in a world of more reputable, honest, and informative news in the future.
@ludicity Thank you! For taking an honest stand against the everspewing bullshit that is the AI gravy train.
It was starting to feel a little claustrophobic working in the technology industry, until your post showed me that I am not alone with my distaste for the GenAI stuff. Thank you for that!
@sundogplanets Thank you, for doing everything in your power to preserve the night sky for my little boy, and all of our future generations to come.
You’re fighting an uphill battle against billionaires, not something I would wish upon anyone. But you’re giving it your best shot! And for that I am more grateful than I could ever express here.
Thank you Professor!
@siracusa @caseyliss @marcoarment Thank you gents, for keeping me entertained and giving me a sense of connection. Working from home has many perks, but not getting to chat as much about the technology I love is certainly one of the downsides.
Your recordings help satisfy that need for a sense of “technology camaraderie”, and I appreciate all three of you for it.