Sizzle Kisses
This is hilarious because normally Darcy is trying to get JB to fucking wrap it up and get back to the movie, but he can't herd these cats tonight.
Anchovy haters. Damn.
Fork it over, shortcakes.
In 1982, everyone just carried a lighter around with them at all time. Even when they were in their PJs.
Jeff is gonna have a shiner.
I'm having a lot of fun tonight. I needed this.
That cat has a great scamper.
Driller Killer is back to Driller Killing, finally.
Joe Bob just putting his hand to his face 🤣
Everyone just assuming Jeff is gonna eat it next.
"Ah fuck!! I've been drilled!!" - Jeff
*slaps the roof of this car* You can fit (quietly counting) so many bodies in this bad boy.
Felissa Rose, the toasted queen.
This is clearly my cue to go grab a slice of pizza and mix a cocktail.
He got blood on his jacket.
Courtney is fucking weird, lol.
The body in the fridge gag is so classic.
Nap time for Driller Killer.
I love the expression on his face when the coach pulls the blanket off him.
I'm Howling!
When Evil Lurks is up next, and I have not seen this one.
Demons want to fuck with us, yes. That's all they want.
Slime Glopola Monster? I'm in.
This has started out with a very serious and intense situation.
None of this is looking good.
"churches are dead" that was an emphatic line read. I wonder what was behind that reaction.
The tension started well above baseline and has not dipped at all since the movie started.
Oh god.
Everything keeps getting worse.
Some sort of Holy Telescope?
Goat Impostor
This is fucked.
That's a cool dog.
I hope the dog didn't catch demon covid from Pedro's clothes.
The edit keeps cutting back to the kids and the dog and it's making me very very nervous.
This movie honestly feels like it's taken me hostage.
I need to remember to breathe
That's some real, "Look at me, Damien!" energy from Vicky's dad.
I disagree with Darcy. Nekromantic was much harder to watch.
No thanks.
I lost hope almost immediately.
I'm going to make coffee when the next movie starts and I'm trying do decide if I'll do full-caf, half-caf, or decaf.
She's like the Argentinian Sarah Connor
Jimmy is fucked.
Just a kid eating paste.