That's some real, "Look at me, Damien!" energy from Vicky's dad.
I disagree with Darcy. Nekromantic was much harder to watch.
No thanks.
I lost hope almost immediately.
I'm going to make coffee when the next movie starts and I'm trying do decide if I'll do full-caf, half-caf, or decaf.
She's like the Argentinian Sarah Connor
Jimmy is fucked.
Just a kid eating paste.
Kids say the darndest things (to help demons)
I agree that it's here at the school. These kids are double crossers.
Oh no...
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
Oh my god
NAPE of the NECK, Pedro. C'mon.
Yeah, this is where the millions of avoidable deaths (from COVID) come in.
"We can go even lower" oh fuck, Joe Bob.
The dinner and dancing in the streets scene.
Okay, that was a lot.
#NowWatching Bloody Muscle Bodybuilder in Hell (1995)
Another first time viewing for me.
I've off-and-on been doing bicep curls while these movies have been rolling tonight, so this is going to be a treat.
I'm flashing back to Things (1989)
It's fish.
That hand looks very suspicious.
That was a short one.
This is a rough home life. No wonder he wants to escape.
I'm tired too, Joe Bob.
I think I dozed off.
#NowWatching Children of the Corn (1984)
I have to say, I don't enjoy this one at all.
Creepy fuckin' kids again.
That's twice tonight.
The worst game of I Spy I've ever seen.
Poor guy.
Poor guy is gonna eat shit.
Spoiler alert. It's the corn or the kids or some shit.
I love stories about Roger Corman.
Galaxy of Terror was surprisingly good imo. I hadn't seen it until fairly recently, but I thought it was pretty great.
#NowWatching Galaxy of Terror (1981)
Just an incredible poster if nothing else.
These light people are weird, but whatever.
Robert Englund was in this movie AND Dead & Buried, both released in 1981.
Or did Joe Bob already say that? Maybe he did.
Worm holes? No. The other kind.
Oh no! This is the 6th movie? This is the last of the marathon??
I lost track.
I love the way this creature eats all the clothes off this woman before killing her.