transphobia in the Netherlands, call to action, important! Please help!
In a baffling move, Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam) is welcoming Hilary Cass, amongst other notorious anti-trans activists. This is especially concerning as their Medical Center, VUMC, is one of the largest trans clinics in the country — a mandatory step to get your HRT and surgeries, with a lot of gatekeeping involved.
All around the country, more than 20 radical trans organisations decided to answer with an open letter, press release and call to action, at the initiative of Principle17, Trans in Eigen Hand and Trans Zorg Nu. As Transfem Haarlem, the organisation I founded, we are also a part of this.
You can help by spreading the word around: friends, families, other LGBT-organisations, and to the media. Even if you're not living in the Netherlands, we need to get the word to spread everywhere, including in international media, as Hilary Cass is an international anti-trans figure, and VU is kinda hoping that it'll go under the radar, with the passive help of Dutch media.
• The open letter to the VU (in Dutch and English):
• The press release (in Dutch):
#trans #TransRights #VrijeUniversiteitAmsterdam #nederland #netherlands #VUMC