@being it’s wild how so many countries around the world are similar, while long COVID affects a not tiny % of people who get COVID, even when vaccinated.
I consider myself lucky as I recovered to run a marathon last month, yet for all 2022 (I got Omicron early Jan that year), I was dogged by shortness of breath and post-exertion fatigue. 2 years later, I still get sore throats and coughs frequently (4 weeks and counting of one now).
@obrien_kat :((( it is wild! I'm so glad you were able to recover this much already. I've personally only recently realized the prevalence of long covid after it affected a friend - I read there's a 10% incidence of long covid on the first infection, and it increases with each infection?!
Yet even the common sense measures like "take a test if you have symptoms" and "don't contaminate others if you are positive" are discouraged. Imagine if govs said that for idk, even mild STDs?