What’s the last piece of software you were genuinely excited about? Well built, fast, pretty to look at, no enshittification?
@nikitonsky uv
@OmegaPolice what’s that?
@nikitonsky https://github.com/astral-sh/uv -- I don't Python often, but when I do, this is now what I want to use.
@nikitonsky Close runner-up is https://github.com/jdx/mise -- more excitement and more frequent use on my part, but discovered less recently.
I realize that you were probably not asking about CLI apps ("pretty to look at") but nevertheless, those are my answers. In the age of broken web and shitty app-store garbage, OSS CLI apps are my safe space.
@OmegaPolice Nice! I’ve heard good things about both of those, maybe will try them in the future