I'd love them to come in as a full state. Absolutely. Puerto Rico is America, through and through and has been so for 50% of the entire existence of the United States. They are more American than apple pie, literally and figuratively
who they hell are you to call us gringos?
we Puerto Ricans are a nation. FULL STOP.
we aren't Americans. we have American Citizenship.
don't you go disrespecting us like that.
we aren't here to clean gringos' fascist messes.
what a lot of American Latinos need to to is deal with their fucking antiblack folks voting against everybody's interests. and yes, am referring to bootlicking gwanabís and pitiyanquis de mierda.
@blogdiva I mean, not calling anyone a gringo here. Just that PR voted for statehood at a higher percentage than before.
I'd respect whatever decision PR made. But, it looks like the majority of Boricuas want the statehood option. If that's what they want, that's what I want.
But, you gotta know, the US is more than just gringos.
@neoteotihuacan @blogdiva please educate yourself. These referendums are and have always been a sham in some way or another. They have all had some caveat to them, usually designed to split the vote for other alternatives, and it's faced with a lot of FUD that's communicated about the loss of our status.
In this election, there were many many ballots that were literally "vandalized" in a protest against the choices presented.
Puerto Rican politics are complicated, and you can't look at any of the statehood vs colony vs independence discourse without understanding the very specific history of the violence, colonialism, abuse, and fear that we have been subjected to. Even if it did not involve PNP shenanigans (which it always does), you're talking about a referendum done with a gun to our heads (the threat of things going to EXTREME SHIT if the US just straight up leaves us out to dry)
@zkat @blogdiva With respect - I do follow this and have for a while.
Are you saying the election was rigged or something? Because what I am seeing is a majority of those that turned out to vote putting the statehood option above the other two.
Are you also possibly suggesting that only statehood advocates came out to vote?
I get that it's contentious. We are talking about empire here, pure and simple. But, for my part, I regard the territorial pergatory PR sits in as intolerable.
@neoteotihuacan @blogdiva not rigged in the sense of faking votes (although there really has been a thing where a bunch of literal dead people were found in the active voter rolls), I'm telling you that there's subtleties to the way the referendum is defined (which is usually determined by the in-power party, the statehood party), which is designed to inflate the numbers to make support for statehood bigger than it actually is. That, combined with the number of people who vote for statehood out of fear of repercussions that are not necessarily going to happen.
For example, there's been referendums in the past where there were two separate commonwealth choices, intended to split the vote. Again, a referendum put out by the PNP, and which the PPD boycotted, effectively making the results look like statehood won (again), without representing the votes of the people who abstained from voting just on this issue, in protest (which was a LOT of people, just like in this case)