Feeling a bit more comfy, so I'll throw down a new intro post with a whole bunch more hashtags for visibility.
Professional developer, general maker, aspiring game creator.
Lover of audiobooks, regularbooks, videogames.
Collector of fountain pens, retro games, robot kits
Statistically more likely to reply than post
+3 Charisma modifier
Here to make friends via dumb jokes & arguments, find inspiration, get some community
hashtags << EOF
#introduction #python #javascript #Gaming #gamedev #pixelart #CharacterDesign #fountainpens #RetroGaming #Fantasy #SciFi #philosophy #writing #audiobooks #gundam #ttrpg #shortstories #art #rust #zig #lua #programming #worldbuilding #webdev #opensource #Linux #godot #blender #pico8 #math