@molly0xfff 😳 shouldnt they be in a robe?
@molly0xfff looking nice, really should order some corne boards from jlcpcb, really want to try out a split sometime
@molly0xfff jealous
@molly0xfff I showed my keyboard this picture and it opened Sublime and typed "I can do better than you" 😭
@molly0xfff one day maybe they'll be dishwashable
@molly0xfff I guess that's the benefit to a mech keyboard. How many times do you clean it a Year?
Now to put them back in random order...
Live a little!
@molly0xfff Lovely! Tactile or linear? I should probably clean my own keyboard soon lmao
Too many keys 😂
@molly0xfff oh nice, i have the same one!
So what does the key with the dog/cat footprint do? 🤔
@Phosphenes I put it on my ESC key
@everythingispublichealth tactile
@molly0xfff same lmao
@phillycodehound I hadn't cleaned it in years 😬