"The whole 'crypto is permissionless and censorship-resistant' thing is a bunch of bullshit," said one sex worker interviewed by Wired.
Well, the worker's got a point.
When ultimately you have to pay your rent, your good or your loan with fiat money you're cooked. That's why it's important to encourage the whole chain to accept crypto.
@mikabxl or — hear me out here — we ensure that sex workers get equitable access to financial services instead of pushing them into a crypto shadow economy
@molly0xfff That is of course the better solution. Defeating prejudice is far better than devising a gadget to work around it. But in the meantime both attempts are worthy projects.
@molly0xfff @mikabxl this is a very privileged way to think about these problems. Most countries in the world don’t have a functioning democracy. Begging the patriarchy for permission to live your life is never going to be as empowering as DIY solutions like crypto. We need to put the power back in the hands of the people.