A bit more of Paris.
(I'm turning this into a photo thread, or maybe a Paris photo thread, I don't know yet.)
A bit more of Paris.
(I'm turning this into a photo thread, or maybe a Paris photo thread, I don't know yet.)
Trying out a new (fully manual) lens!
It's not easy to use, it's very new to me, but I'm having a lot of fun.
More experimentation with that lens. I'm having a lot of fun with it!
I was thinking over why I'm getting into photography now, of all times. I think the answer is that it helps me focus on the present. I'm in a place where it's all too easy for me to dwell on the past, or to get anxious about the future. Taking pictures anchors me to the instant.
It also makes me focus on the external world, and on my experience of it, rather than withdraw into myself and an inner world full of what ifs and why that and what now and you should have.
I'm clearly more a night owl than a morning person, but still, the light was beautiful this morning and here are my attempts to catch it.
I understand better why I love that fully manual lens. It's pleasantly cold and metallic, the aperture ring is clicky, the focus ring is nice and smooth, and the lens cover is screw-in, which means I can play with it and screw and unscrew it when I'm not shooting. In other words, it's a real stim toy ^^
Oh yeah, and it takes nice pictures too.
Hope you enjoy them! Life is quite a bumpy road those days, but I'm trying to enjoy the ride. This helps.
Last month I've been dating again, and for some reason, I find that just before or after dates is a great time for taking photos of the city. Before, it helps me relax, focus, and be in the present. After, I'm still with the energy of the person I met and it makes for some nice pictures.
I didn't take so many pictures I like this month, though. I suppose it's as with anything, there are times when you are more inspired than others.
Those last ones were taken just a few days ago, during a beautiful walk with @spaceluciolle@twoot.site The light was amazing.
Some of the colors of the night in December.
I didn't take that many photos. As I mentioned in the past, I think photography has some therapeutic aspect to me, and I'm in a much better place mentally and emotionally than a few months ago, so I think it's part of why.
But I still love some of them, especially the first. I still want to get better at it, and at photo editing too. And there are still a few lenses I would love having the money to get.
In the meanwhile, enjoy!
Random photodump from the beginning of the year. There is none I'm really super proud of, but enough that I like enough to post. Still mostly, you know, the night.
I love my little Panasonic Micro 4/3 hybrid but I'm more and more considering moving to full format, when I have the money. A bigger sensor has all sorts of advantages, and some of the model I'm seeing as not as bulky as they used to.