I'm clearly more a night owl than a morning person, but still, the light was beautiful this morning and here are my attempts to catch it.
I understand better why I love that fully manual lens. It's pleasantly cold and metallic, the aperture ring is clicky, the focus ring is nice and smooth, and the lens cover is screw-in, which means I can play with it and screw and unscrew it when I'm not shooting. In other words, it's a real stim toy ^^
Oh yeah, and it takes nice pictures too.
Hope you enjoy them! Life is quite a bumpy road those days, but I'm trying to enjoy the ride. This helps.
Last month I've been dating again, and for some reason, I find that just before or after dates is a great time for taking photos of the city. Before, it helps me relax, focus, and be in the present. After, I'm still with the energy of the person I met and it makes for some nice pictures.
I didn't take so many pictures I like this month, though. I suppose it's as with anything, there are times when you are more inspired than others.
Those last ones were taken just a few days ago, during a beautiful walk with @spaceluciolle@twoot.site The light was amazing.
Some of the colors of the night in December.
I didn't take that many photos. As I mentioned in the past, I think photography has some therapeutic aspect to me, and I'm in a much better place mentally and emotionally than a few months ago, so I think it's part of why.
But I still love some of them, especially the first. I still want to get better at it, and at photo editing too. And there are still a few lenses I would love having the money to get.
In the meanwhile, enjoy!
Random photodump from the beginning of the year. There is none I'm really super proud of, but enough that I like enough to post. Still mostly, you know, the night.
I love my little Panasonic Micro 4/3 hybrid but I'm more and more considering moving to full format, when I have the money. A bigger sensor has all sorts of advantages, and some of the model I'm seeing as not as bulky as they used to.