Jumped into this and never did an #introductions / #introduction post.
I'm Gareth, I'm in Victoria, Australia.
Twitter was one of my main social outlets, and with that going down the plughole I'm hoping to have some connections here. I'm a little bit socially anxious and not good at being outgoing or interacting with people in the physical world.
I enjoy a #roadtrip, I've been to all the states / territories by road except the Northern Territory (it's on my to do list).
I like #writing, and try to #write. But if I'm honest these past few years have been hard on the creativity. I did find for a time listening to #synthwave did help my creativity process a bit.
Writing wise it's mostly blogs from road trips, other experiences, the occasional long form research and #fanfiction which is the bulk of my long form fiction-based writing. Do have one or two other original fiction pieces which I've been working on for years and not getting anywhere.
Supporter of CC BY 4.0 and free culture. I like to help categorise stuff on Wikicommons, and upload photos there. Also try to upload other random content on the Internet Archive.
I'm a fan of #DoctorWho, #Blakes7, #Stargate, #Fringe, #StarTrek, #Babylon5, #Alias, #BattlestarGalactica, also enjoy; #CalltheMidwife, #Danger5, #GerryAndersonsUFO, #EarthFinalConflict, #VeronicaMars, #MissFisher