@yisraeldov Not a single one of them has appeared before me and said "Hello, I'm god".
Nor have they done anything which would hint at them being a god.
Why not just come and say hi?
@juglugs What do you expect a "god" is. The jewish G-d is very much not the same as other religions versions of a god.
@yisraeldov I don't expect anything, but if any good wishes me to believe that such a thing exists, why not introduce itself to me?
Why does it need another human to tell me about it?
@juglugs I guess that is were faith and free will comes in. If a god came to you and said, here I am, do what I say or suffer, your free will would not be there.
Jewish G-d is probably much different than what you expect , " is incorporeal; that He is free from all anthropomorphic properties; and that He has no likeness at all."
@yisraeldov Pretty much like it's non existent then!
Interesting how you attribute a sex to something that you said yourself has no form...
So why do you believe in that "thing" and not the other 4500+ gods that have been recorded?
@juglugs I'm not sure if you are being a troll or want to engage in a real discussion. Hard to tell.
"Interesting how you attribute a sex to something that you said yourself has no form"
Hebrew is a gendered language, everything has a sex. Chairs, coffee, salt ... etc . There are deeper meanings as well.
I am certainly not a troll.
However, those things you describe have form, which is why you attribute sex to them. I assume, that like French, the chair is male and the table is female?
@juglugs Even things that are not physical have a gender, like happiness, feelings, thoughts, etc.
Also when talking about G-d we will sometimes anthropomorphize so that it will help us be able to relate. Like if we say G-d's hand, we don't mean an actual hand but it helps us to understand.
All of the other "gods" that you are referring to all have a corporeal form. Our G-d is a rejection of all those other "gods" .
OK, but why reject all those other gods?
Out of the 4500+ recorded gods, what makes you think yours is the "one" and others should be rejected?
@juglugs I'm honestly more confused as to why being noncorporeal is supposed to be a good thing for believers. All it really does is make it unfalsifiable. This "G-d" could still provide their own existence, but then the whole "mysterious ways" comes into play. Basically a deity no one can see and no one can predict. Exactly like something that doesn't exist at all.
It was to be my follow up question. It doesn't do anything to dissuade my OP that this god couldn't reveal itself to me.
How did @yisraeldov learn of such a being? Like every other believer, he was brainwashed by other humans who were brainwashed by other humans ad infinitum
And any god that refuses to reveal itself to its supposed creations is no different to a non-existent god. It's totally made up by humans.
@juglugs So it seems like @IncredulousMike has blocked me for some reason so I'm missing some of the conversationg.
But you saying things like "he was brainwashed", seems like a clear indication that you are not asking an honest question and you really aren't interested in answers. You already made up your mind.
Do you not think that organised religion is brainwashing?
Children should not be allowed to join a religion until they are at least 18. We outlaw other unsafe activities and decisions for them because we say that their brains are not mature enough to make those decisions.
But we brainwash them with stories and fairytales about invisible beings watching their every move and we scare them into thinking that their bad actions will be punished in a made-up afterlife.
@juglugs @IncredulousMike So many implications in this question that it can't be answered. I reject the premise of your question.
Quod erat demonstrandum.