Moved to a #Iceshrimp, #Firefish or #Misskey instance and missing watching #Hashtags? Well do I have something for you!!
Antennas are effectively custom timelines. They work approximately like watching hashtags, but they can look for normal text as well. You can add as many phrases as you like and the results can be filtered with an ignore list.
You can make an antenna that just shows posts from specific users and notifies you when they post something new, you can make an antenna that collects posts containing or excluding certain key words, or you can make an antenna that collects only posts with files attached. You can even make an antenna consisting of “Posts from specific users” with “Show replies” checked.
Setting up
You can set up antenna by going to the More! section on your sidebar, and selecting Antennas. Press Add + to create your first. This is where you can also manage & edit previously created antennas.
1) Where to find More! on the sidebar (highlighted)
2) Where to find Antennas in the More! menu (highlighted)
3) My antennas page showing *Add +* button and my previously created antennas.
4 & 5) When you click Add + you get this page to set up your antenna. I've set one up as my Calckey antenna and another to alert me when PastaThief posts. There's a lot to go through here. Expect a separate post sometime soon.
6 & 7) What those antenna feeds look like.
8) On our progressive web app you can access your antennas by selecting the UFO in the top right corner.
9) Clicking on the UFO button brings up all my antennas and the link to manage/edit them
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Feditips #Calckey #Hajkey
I plan on writing up a fuller explanation soon, but happy in the meantime to help anyone wanting to set them up.