623: It’s About Human Connection
Nerdy home-buying considerations, Hyperspace updates, the surprisingly difficult engineering challenge of scrolling, and how we're going to get through all of this.
623: It’s About Human Connection
Nerdy home-buying considerations, Hyperspace updates, the surprisingly difficult engineering challenge of scrolling, and how we're going to get through all of this.
@atpfm @caseyliss Since you asked specifically about LED statuses and home assistant. This video might be of interest to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz87wOJSQm8
(Note: This is obviously complete overkill compared to the solution you actually want, but it has elements that you would want for your purposes, it's also only 11 minutes long, and he has a github repo with more explicit detail on programming and circuitry [though no code sadly]...and mentions MQTT!)