@josh0 @littlemiao @serge @Nyme
Just read the message to which I answered to, ok?
Or better yet: take a screenshot where it shows I answered to the very top comment and not to op's later analysis, and I gladly say that i was wrong.
@josh0 @littlemiao @serge @Nyme
Just read the message to which I answered to, ok?
Or better yet: take a screenshot where it shows I answered to the very top comment and not to op's later analysis, and I gladly say that i was wrong.
@iju @littlemiao @serge @Nyme so you’re taking the OPs statement that this is unrelated to Israel or Palestine as him bringing it into the conversation? And then your response to that is to justify the antisemitic responses he received to a post about antisemitism by saying it’s Israel’s fault that we have to deal with antisemitism?
This is, at best, grasping at straws, and at worst a fairly clumsy attempt to justify antisemitism.
@iju @littlemiao @serge @Nyme ok, you are correct that I misinterpreted your post as a response to the very first one. I apologize for that confusion.
However, I don’t think that changes anything else about the points that have been made. The post you responded to was pointing out that this discussion has nothing to do with Israel, and being explicit about it because others were dragging Israel into it. Your response was to justify people’s attempts to make this about Israel. As has been pointed out and explained several times, this is problematic, bordering on antisemitic, specifically because this is exactly how antisemites silence Jewish voices and give cover to antisemitism.
Whether it is your intention or not, you are literally using antisemitic tactics to defend antisemitism to Jews bemoaning our experiences of antisemitism.
@josh0 @littlemiao @serge @Nyme
Thank you for acknowledging the error. You're the only one that did :)
And my intention wasn't to defend antisemitism, and I regret if it could be read like that. I did my best to phrase my message to be a digress.
When speaking to a global audience, you never know what context they read any message in. Thus I try to proof my message against wrong readings, but it doesn't work if the onus is just on one participant.