#introduction time since I've moved to a new instance (from @gpage), and my one plea for boosting this to assist in federation help. Thank you.
I play #games, specifically #boardgames, but I'm open to others (both digi/analog). I've done a lot of #boardgame playtesting in the past (including, but not limited to; Root and John Company from Cole Wehrle, and Gandhi: Decolonization of British India from Bruce Mansfield) and I still do. Although anymore, I usually limit that to really digging into one title for a few seasons to see it through the entire process over playing just one or two iterations of something at an Unpub event or short sprints.
I find it interesting why people like the games (or things in general) that they do. I'm quite a curious critter in that regard and likewise I love stuff like the Richmond Forum or TEDTalks that make me think (and I read the London Review of Books somewhat regularly).
As such, I find #boardgamedesign to be fascinating from a #systemdesign perspective. Some of that is because I've built a long career in the IT system design and implementation space. In 2023, my spouse challenged me to finally get off my duff and design something to play with friends. That's a... "work in progress" at the moment, but I'm happy to discuss design challenges with folks.
For my #wargaming (and history) interests, I have nerded out on the #ColdWar and it's various dynamics/locations plus Japan until WW1. I usually play #wargames for a series of iterations and then trade/sell them unless they hold steam with my group or are otherwise special. Shelf space is at a premium and I think a game that doesn't get played because it's just sitting there could go to a home that will enjoy it more. As such, I use a modified Jones Theory for keeping games, and I churn through a bunch every year.
I do paint minis, mostly in the winter months because my setup isn't conducive currently for summer painting. I prefer CMON's Arcadia Quest or other various SD-style figures for that purpose. I am the proud owner of assembled terrain (!!!) and I don't think has ever seen the light of day...
Otherwise, I enjoy most forms of music and in a prior life did on-location audio recording and some spare time as a roadie for smaller bands. Modern country and 50s rock are two areas that I shy away from though.
Covid caused me to take an interest in spectator sports, specifically stuff that is off the beaten path. I now somewhat consistently watch Cricket (T20 and some ODI), Cycling, and to a lesser degree Rugby 7s. In general, I'm more likely to watch women's iterations of sports when possible (I find the dynamics of play are more interesting than the men's side). We've been a season ticket holder for the local soccer team since before they last won a championship (2009).
2 cats (sisters), and one spouse. We (technically) have a garden and make haphazard attempts at keeping it alive and tended. Send me your cat and boardgame pictures please. I've had exactly one dog in my life, and they were the best dog...
I play #games, specifically #boardgames, but I'm open to others (both digi/analog). I've done a lot of #boardgame playtesting in the past (including, but not limited to; Root and John Company from Cole Wehrle, and Gandhi: Decolonization of British India from Bruce Mansfield) and I still do. Although anymore, I usually limit that to really digging into one title for a few seasons to see it through the entire process over playing just one or two iterations of something at an Unpub event or short sprints.
I find it interesting why people like the games (or things in general) that they do. I'm quite a curious critter in that regard and likewise I love stuff like the Richmond Forum or TEDTalks that make me think (and I read the London Review of Books somewhat regularly).
As such, I find #boardgamedesign to be fascinating from a #systemdesign perspective. Some of that is because I've built a long career in the IT system design and implementation space. In 2023, my spouse challenged me to finally get off my duff and design something to play with friends. That's a... "work in progress" at the moment, but I'm happy to discuss design challenges with folks.
For my #wargaming (and history) interests, I have nerded out on the #ColdWar and it's various dynamics/locations plus Japan until WW1. I usually play #wargames for a series of iterations and then trade/sell them unless they hold steam with my group or are otherwise special. Shelf space is at a premium and I think a game that doesn't get played because it's just sitting there could go to a home that will enjoy it more. As such, I use a modified Jones Theory for keeping games, and I churn through a bunch every year.
I do paint minis, mostly in the winter months because my setup isn't conducive currently for summer painting. I prefer CMON's Arcadia Quest or other various SD-style figures for that purpose. I am the proud owner of assembled terrain (!!!) and I don't think has ever seen the light of day...
Otherwise, I enjoy most forms of music and in a prior life did on-location audio recording and some spare time as a roadie for smaller bands. Modern country and 50s rock are two areas that I shy away from though.
Covid caused me to take an interest in spectator sports, specifically stuff that is off the beaten path. I now somewhat consistently watch Cricket (T20 and some ODI), Cycling, and to a lesser degree Rugby 7s. In general, I'm more likely to watch women's iterations of sports when possible (I find the dynamics of play are more interesting than the men's side). We've been a season ticket holder for the local soccer team since before they last won a championship (2009).
2 cats (sisters), and one spouse. We (technically) have a garden and make haphazard attempts at keeping it alive and tended. Send me your cat and boardgame pictures please. I've had exactly one dog in my life, and they were the best dog...