@skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour ..induce all sorts of negative outcomes. Self starvation can also induce fat retention as the body tries to conserve its resources. It sounds like a total recipe for disasters.
@christineburns @skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour
Is Streeting serious (normal answer ‘far from it’), or is this a kite-flying dead cat to distract us while they do something almost as awful?
@KimSJ @christineburns @skwawkbox @HarriettMB @GeriatricGardener @UKLabour It's a dead cat for sure. At best, it's Streeting testing whether the Tory-aligned press will roll over if presented by a Labour politician with a gambit straight out of the Boris Johnson playbook. (Answer: yes, yes they will.)