Yes, that's fair; but right now in the UK, the thrust of the article (with which I agree) is we are *not* reusing as much as we could be....
@ChrisMayLA6 Yes, that's true. Planning departments are too ready to allow demolitions and are not prioritising future-proof building practices (eg. energy efficiency)
At the same time, there is too much focus on flashy tech solutions - let's put bricks on the blockchain and that will fix everything!
We need a different way of thinking about these problems entirely
@Talia @ChrisMayLA6 I think it's a side-effect of real estate being a long-term financialized asset bubble, which has in turn made demolition/reconstruction "affordable" (by making the land asset a colateral for immense loans, against which the cost of construction is lost in the small print).
But … Germany is big on demolition/replacement of housing stock? But always with better environmental standards. And most people rent their homes, and houses are depreciating assets.
@cstross @ChrisMayLA6 yes, hard agree
while literally every activity/process/object/phenomenon is measured against it's ability to be transmuted into money, it's going to be hard to solve our actual problems
@Talia @ChrisMayLA6 I keep saying only fully automatic luxury gay space communism will save us from climate change now, and I'm barely even joking …